Sounds pretty normal 300tdi to me, starting ok, revs up ok, how is it to drive?
drives nice again seems to have its power back however i have developed a clutch issue that i've started a separate thread for as i dont think its related to what i have done here. one thing i've noticed now though is after doing that earlier i flushed the engine and dropped the oil changed the oil and filter figured as i've had it in bits it cant harm. well i put about 6 to 7L of oil in and it was a little high about 3 or 4 mm over the max line. i was happy enough with that engine hadnt been run so oil filter was empty. anyways after driving it on a 30ish mile trip i've let it cool checked the oil and its reading below min. no signs of any oil leaks. no oil burning up and coming from the exhaust. could it really be that low and if not where could it have gone. temp gauge stayed fine and due to having cooling issues in the passed i had my zap gun to check and all temps around my block and coolant system were all well below safe highest reading i found was 78c near the back of the block. sure this landy is out to see how fast it can break me lol

Edit: engine starts almost the instant you turn the key and oil warning light go's off and stays off. (does illuminate when the ignition is on engine is off so i know the bulb is good at least lol)
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drives nice again seems to have its power back however i have developed a clutch issue that i've started a separate thread for as i dont think its related to what i have done here. one thing i've noticed now though is after doing that earlier i flushed the engine and dropped the oil changed the oil and filter figured as i've had it in bits it cant harm. well i put about 6 to 7L of oil in and it was a little high about 3 or 4 mm over the max line. i was happy enough with that engine hadnt been run so oil filter was empty. anyways after driving it on a 30ish mile trip i've let it cool checked the oil and its reading below min. no signs of any oil leaks. no oil burning up and coming from the exhaust. could it really be that low and if not where could it have gone. temp gauge stayed fine and due to having cooling issues in the passed i had my zap gun to check and all temps around my block and coolant system were all well below safe highest reading i found was 78c near the back of the block. sure this landy is out to see how fast it can break me lol
Assuming you filled the oil with vehicle on the level, and as you have put in a full fill, 7litres, well the oil has to go somewhere if it's escaped the sump.
It can go down the exhaust from a badly leaking exhaust side turbo seal and if conditions are cold enough, (atmospheric and engine), not burn but pool in a muffler or something.
You are sure of no signs of oil beneath the car anywhere visible, spots on the back door, leaks from the wading plug hole inthe bell housing or front timing cover?
Assuming you filled the oil with vehicle on the level, and as you have put in a full fill, 7litres, well the oil has to go somewhere if it's escaped the sump.
It can go down the exhaust from a badly leaking exhaust side turbo seal and if conditions are cold enough, (atmospheric and engine), not burn but pool in a muffler or something.
You are sure of no signs of oil beneath the car anywhere visible, spots on the back door, leaks from the wading plug hole inthe bell housing or front timing cover?
wont be 100% until tomorrow when i have some light but from looking around under the engine/gearbox with a flashlight nothing wet or dripping. from in the engine bay the block and head have no signs of leaks. my engine breather isnt in my air system and there's no excess oil coming from that by my wing. the turbo all seems to be dry. and yes it was level when i put it in but it could be closer to 6L rather than 7L i put a 5L bottle in then "some" from a 2nd 5L main thing im lost with is no sound/smell/signs of it burning or leaking and the oil pressure light is going out and staying out! shouldnt that come on if the oil is low and pressure is low!
wont be 100% until tomorrow when i have some light but from looking around under the engine/gearbox with a flashlight nothing wet or dripping. from in the engine bay the block and head have no signs of leaks. my engine breather isnt in my air system and there's no excess oil coming from that by my wing. the turbo all seems to be dry. and yes it was level when i put it in but it could be closer to 6L rather than 7L i put a 5L bottle in then "some" from a 2nd 5L main thing im lost with is no sound/smell/signs of it burning or leaking and the oil pressure light is going out and staying out! shouldnt that come on if the oil is low and pressure is low!
Only if the pressure is low, whilst the oil in the pan is above the pump pickup it will pump.
Try seeing how long it takes for the oil light to go out after a startup, if the oil is really low, the pump, which is a trochoid type and on the crankshaft, will take longer to pick up the oil due to a lower suction head pressure, if it is going off pretty much in a short time it may indicat that the oil is still there at a correct level and there may be a problem with level indication.
Are you sure your dipstick is still going right into the sump properly, my first 300tdi had a broken dipstick tube that gave "false" level readings.
The all out positive check is to drain your sump again into a clean vessel and physically check the quantitity.
Only if the pressure is low, whilst the oil in the pan is above the pump pickup it will pump.
Try seeing how long it takes for the oil light to go out after a startup, if the oil is really low, the pump, which is a trochoid type and on the crankshaft, will take longer to pick up the oil due to a lower suction head pressure, if it is going off pretty much in a short time it may indicat that the oil is still there at a correct level and there may be a problem with level indication.
Are you sure your dipstick is still going right into the sump properly, my first 300tdi had a broken dipstick tube that gave "false" level readings.
The all out positive check is to drain your sump again into a clean vessel and physically check the quantitity.
the light is out almost instantly and i can still see oil up on the tappets and in the top of the engine so my plan is to check again tomorrow when its light and take it from there i might even check whats left in the 2nd bottle that will get me an answer to exactly what i put in there. as for the dip stick it seems to be in the right place and it go's all the way in the tube but if its right or not no idea at this point
the light is out almost instantly and i can still see oil up on the tappets and in the top of the engine so my plan is to check again tomorrow when its light and take it from there i might even check whats left in the 2nd bottle that will get me an answer to exactly what i put in there. as for the dip stick it seems to be in the right place and it go's all the way in the tube but if its right or not no idea at this point
It can be an interesting and exciting life owning a LandRover.
Only with his, it sounds like its doing all it can to make him tear his hair out.
ok im going to start with im probley going to blow up in a ball of fire tomorrow after saying this lol. had a fab weekend drove about 60-65 miles to get to an event, no issues kept it around 60-65 for most of it. then i had a little play while i was at the event just because i could. on the way home i drove about 50 miles then i floored the sh!t out of it for the last 10-15 miles to see what it would do. hovered around 100-105 going up to 110 on a down hill part followed by a drop down to 68mph as i went up the other side of that hill lol. no over heating and no issues.

however, several times i have heard a noise that sounds like i run over a flat pop can! no idea what the hell it is and its always just a single "drive over a flat can" sound. anyone got any ideas.
Maybe you did run over flat pop cans all those times.....otherwise, just wait for it, whatever that's going on with it in the form of that sound will rear it's head soon enough. Word of advice though man, stop worrying so much about the car and enjoy it. If most guys listened out and worried as much about every sound on their land rovers, most of their hearts would have given out by now and there would be fewer of us on here.:p
Maybe you did run over flat pop cans all those times.....otherwise, just wait for it, whatever that's going on with it in the form of that sound will rear it's head soon enough. Word of advice though man, stop worrying so much about the car and enjoy it. If most guys listened out and worried as much about every sound on their land rovers, most of their hearts would have given out by now and there would be fewer of us on here.:p
i'd love to not worry about odd noises and such but unfortunately not only is it my daily driver its a off road response for all them nice places a regular ambulance cant get too.
as for the sound i've heard it prob about 6 or 7 times but thats over the space of a couple of weeks and i suspect now it could be clutch/clutch hydrolic related i have another post about my clutch fun lol. also i enjoy it a lot lol was working at a grass track yesterday and today bikes and quads on day 1 cars and open wheel buggies on day 2. then day ended and i got to race a gay lander around the track. i know how to kick out my ass end and recover and i have a manual box. the gay lander was my brother he not only does not know how to kick a car out he also doesnt know how to pull one back it it decides to go. and its an auto haha disco wins :)

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