Takes no time to report the bugger and you will do someone else a favour.

If you were closer I'd offer to sell it for you.:)

Tis a good idea. Don't you have a family member who could sell it for you? Wait for the winter to get closer and the Rangey premiums to go up.
Tis a good idea. Don't you have a family member who could sell it for you? Wait for the winter to get closer and the Rangey premiums to go up.

No, unfortunately not. although what kind of price increase are we realistically talking about. if it's many thousands fine, but if a few hundred. not really that interested..

going to take the chrome off myself, this evening i think.

I might re-list on ebay,

truth be told, this was all such a big "hype-letdown" that i don't know what i want to do with it.

i'd take it to NZ (where the prices are far more than double) in a heartbeat (there's virtually no import tax) but a container costs a fortune these days.
No, not many thousands.
You could list the chrome bits separately - someone will buy them.

I gotta be frank,

i'll probably post the chrome bits to myfirstl322, in fact, we should challenge him to make a video for youtube, destroying them in the most inventive way.


infact, speaking of youtube, if i setup adsense on youtube & smashing the RR up in the middle of london, i'd probably make more than this sale price in a single day.

maybe we should just destroy the whole car?
Your making this hard for yourself. Is the chrome removed yet? NO
Is it re-listed? NO, Because the chrome is still on.!
Are you making a drama out of a crisis? YES
Are you really needing the money? YES imo( no shame )
Do you take advice? SORT OFF
Are you still dilly dallying? YES
Are you looking forward to your Turkey? DOUBT IT
Would you sell it for 6k? NO, BECAUSE?
Your making this hard for yourself. Is the chrome removed yet? NO <clearly
Is it re-listed? NO, Because the chrome is still on.!
Are you making a drama out of a crisis? YES
Are you really needing the money? YES imo( no shame )
Do you take advice? SORT OFF
Are you still dilly dallying? YES
Are you looking forward to your Turkey? DOUBT IT
Would you sell it for 6k? NO, BECAUSE?

you wanna pay 6k come right now?

little worried about the chrome removal going badly is all.

and turkey? don't get that reference, as for the "needing" the money, not exactly. the price this car sells for will not even recoup the cost of mine & mrs.me's flights.
if i setup adsense on youtube & smashing the RR up in the middle of london, i'd probably make more than this sale price in a single day.

A man once stood for one year in Times square, New York..
He wore a sandwich board which read, simply." Do NOT give me money"
He made $1,000,000 in those twelve months.:scratching_chin:

i had a PM "5.5k tommorow, job done"

or.. re-list for 5 days?

what do you guys think?

Re-list for 7 days beginning and ending a Sunday preferably ending in beginning of a month, perfect for beginning tomorrow.

Get at least the large vertical chrome bits off on the sides and talk to the "man" in the advert how invincible he will be in all terrain and winters to come,

his neighbors will cue up for a helping hand in winter etc. blahh blahh best car in the world can't get stuck, put it on just thick enough to make one dreaming:p
Re-list for 7 days beginning and ending a Sunday preferably ending in beginning of a month, perfect for beginning tomorrow.

Get at least the large vertical chrome bits off on the sides and talk to the "man" in the advert how invincible he will be in all terrain and winters to come,

his neighbors will cue up for a helping hand in winter etc. blahh blahh best car in the world can't get stuck, put it on just thick enough to make one dreaming:p

Fantastic advice.this is what this forum is about

so thanks,

I'll get the chrome off & i'll get some pictures of it out in the "wild" if i can,
would you mind helping me with the advert? this has a lot to do with the sale price i'm sure. i'll throw you a few beers for your trouble

I'm certain i can get more for it, it's an immaculate car.
Re-list for 7 days beginning and ending a Sunday preferably ending in beginning of a month, perfect for beginning tomorrow.+1
Get at least the large vertical chrome bits off on the sides "as suggested way back at the beginnng"and talk to the "man" in the advert how invincible he will be in all terrain and winters to come,"Do a video sketch of you on top of a mountain"
his neighbors will cue up for a helping hand in winter " dear sweet jesus are you for real? "etc. blahh blahh best car in the world can't get stuck,"is this how you succumbed?" put it on just thick enough to make one dreaming:p

If you do any of this nonsense, then you are doomed, DOOMED i tell you.............................................................................................
go on then.. what do you suggest?
Well hi again, thought i was being ignored:mad:

I just don't think your ad should have any B/S in it.

Just a normal ad, maybe say "cherished", " No expense spared "?
Keep it short, sweet, Honest as possible, but fundamentally, if you want rid of it quick i think you should start it at 5k, not 99p, thats just silly IMO.
Maybe some more photo's, boot, engine etc. Location photo's like mine deter some. Selling urgently as moving abroad? Viewing essential?
Time wasters will be dealt with by Ebay?

This is how i might do it, just don't clutter the description with trivia,
The low but sensible starting price should get it sold.
I quite liked your ad layout, certainly mention tyres,but not the costs, thats a deterrent to some, the FACELIFT 06 etc... Nah. Cos its not quite .
Not much work to relist it, it should be retrievable so you can amend it.
rear lights spec, by all means.

No reserve, but 4.5-5.5k start price.

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