my p38 is in the engine ware house in london, i went to collect it today but they said there was a problem getting the car to spark. I never had a problem before they took the car. but my question is they put a new block in and recon, the rest of the parts. cost a small fortune, however has any one got the codes for the engine ecu and security system. I have a ecu cable and software but I dont think this is enough.
what could be the problem I need my pride and joy back .
The garage changed the crank sensor today and still no joy. There was a guy came yesterday plugged in the computer, everything fault wise was fine. But it did not register the crank sensor. how do I explain to the guy about re configureing the becm and the ucu.

if it out of sync you get 2 codes p1667 p1672. one of the guys in london has a resync box he posted early this week try and find him and ask if he would help...

Its 14:45 I have waited since 0900 this morning , finely i got the number of the guy they use, to plug into the engine. He had not been called out. (Lieing sods) so i called him out to the garage , and said to bill this company. I informed him of the problem he said should not be a problem... I flew over from Germany on wed morning @ 04:00 and have been at this garage from opening to closing every day. they said yes your car is ready.

I will keep you informed. Once i get up and running and get my vehicle back I willpost some helpfull information about this garage.
still confused, they put the car on the machine, ecu etc? were all normal not locked out. they took of the manifold to check continuity, and put a camera inside the fly wheel to check the pins. the computer guy said there was no signal from the crank sensor.

Jon is that you buddy?

Regarding this thread, i've never heard so much crap in my life. It seem's there's no one with any knowledge looking at this vehicle, & less knowledge means big huge bills.
The cost me £4000 for a new block and the rest of the stuff that comes with it.
How ever I am just on my way back to work,Germany with out my car, They have booked it into a rangerover dealer now in london. but the were good enough to give me £140 towards my hotel costs. this car is a gas convert, and was running perfect, until the over heating problem, how ever there was never a problem with spark. I seen a wire which I beleave was from the gas (Brain ecu, type thingy) it was black and looked important, but they said no its nothing important. any thought..
if its got lpg then the lpg kit should be in working order i.e power supplied to it and ready to use.

mine will not start untill the lpg is in working order. if i take the fuse out for lpg it will not work.

ive heard of cheap lambdas not working properly but not sure about cps???

have they still got the old sensor? tell them to put that back on. it was fine before they started work.

once the old crank sensor is on i would try a resync with the syncmate. or rovacom etc.
Underslungload, you would do well to listen to the advice of Eight NV & Rick the P. (Oooh, that ryhmes) You need someone with the proper gear to get into the ECU and reset the security code. Your average garage will not have this gear, nor the ability to re-write the code back to the BECM (big fat computer under seat.)
of the brent road southall, its called the engine warehouse, the guy they called out he was not your average guy his kit was the same as the range rover dealer who set my eas , his kit was all original, i watched everything he done , he was also happy for me to watch i think now, because they never connected the gas wires this was the problem. I know these guys havent the best rep, well pritty poor, but i never found this out until I was tipped of by another customer. how ever there not competent with gas I know I seen that. There was a black wire from the gas brain,type ecu which was not connected, could this be the problem
told you the gas ecu had to have power, its a common point that people overlook!

you can setup the lpg yourself, find out what system it is and what ecu it has. then order the relevant cables: LPG / CNG Programming Interface's

let me know what system you have and i'll help in any way possible!

I am now back in germany, but Im going to call this garage in the morning, and tell them to connect the gas. wires, before it goes to rangerover .If they can get the spark thats needed then im booking another flight to come over, as for the Lpg DIY I am going to give it a miss, I really have no Idea with electrics computers etc, I can fly a plane or helicopter but this its too
funny that, i have a limited knowledge of electrics and not much more on mechanics but i reckon i could quite easily fly a plane.

its the atc dialogue that throws me (complete gibberish). the actual control of a plane is easy, its all the stuff you have to do whilst in flight!

s'pose its no harder than driving a rangey and trying to pre empt which part is going to fail next!

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