i only went away for an hour it all goes off why did he start calling gems names fecking hell must be that hour on the clock turned them all funny. i still think you is dogs bit gems
i only went away for an hour it all goes off why did he start calling gems names fecking hell must be that hour on the clock turned them all funny. i still think you is dogs bit gems

hence the cartoon
thing is it's bright pink and full of ccj's- not your colour and I've lifted the £1.50 as a finders fee.
just leaves a used scratch card and dirty hankie
i with you on this miss minty all a bit odd. i must say i did like stopover he was good guy?????????????

Hi, thanks for that, but this IS the last one. I am going because this forum has sunk so low. Just look at the last three pages of posts.
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Hi, thanks for that, but this IS the last one. I am going because this forum has sunk so low. Just look at the last two pages of posts.

That's because this is how LZ has always been. In fact it used to be even better. Well for anyone with a sense of humour it was anyway :D :D :D

For miserable cuunts with their heads up their own arses it probably wasn't so good. :p :p:p
i only went away for an hour it all goes off why did he start calling gems names fecking hell must be that hour on the clock turned them all funny. i still think you is dogs bit gems

not the first time someone has shouted "oi bollox" at me.:D
Yes I would go for the option of disabling the Orange mobile phone mast. If you live in London you might be able to obtain any number of solutions - JCB digger, runnaway Artic Lorry, tank grenade etc etc Think of all the money you would save on petrol if they catch you though !! - am sure no one on this forum would give you up?

Hi, thanks for that, but this IS the last one. I am going because this forum has sunk so low. Just look at the last three pages of posts.

The OP was replied to with advice if I can read correctly :p

It was you that started takin the p*** see above post :p

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