Gemsdad, Are you on drugs or just a genuine knob?

john is not a knob so don't even bother to post ****e like that, you will be banned or banged out, one of the two.

oh and it turns out your the knob cos he could have (and probably would have) helped you out if you hadn't been a knob!!

so there you go ****brick!!!!

oh and before you start, rotherham and no i don't think i'm hard but i know a lot of hard people!!!!

idiot boy!!!
best thing you could do is wind your neck in and fook off


cos you are the weakest link g string
Technically gemsdad is a knob otherwise he wouldn't be gems dad, unless he's a turkey baster
Why don't you apply the LR official solution : late version YWY500170 RF receiver.

I did it and no worry since
Go into the BECM with module SM022 and change the staus to Immobiliser "Disabled". It cannot in theory be 100% disabled, but in practice it is over 95% effective.
As other guys have written, first step is to disconnect the RF receiver, you can also put a switch in the trigger wire from the receiver to the BECM which will enable it to be switched off if you are in an area where interference is a problem.

Not, in theory be 100% disabled> what does that mean?

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