this i can well believe,i really can.needs must in situations of a dire emergency.;);)

it wuz a right bastid to get anorl. It's a big chest freezer and is hidden behind a 8 foot by 4 foot slab of mdf plus a load of copper pipes and wooden batons.:(
it wuz a right bastid to get anorl. It's a big chest freezer and is hidden behind a 8 foot by 4 foot slab of mdf plus a load of copper pipes and wooden batons.:(

that was daft putting all that crap in front of the grub wasn't it.:doh::D;)
that was daft putting all that crap in front of the grub wasn't it.:doh::D;)

I only had 3 places to put it. In front of the fridge, the freezer or the cooker.

the freezer is accessed the least so.......:eek:

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