Schoolboy error number one :(

Measured the shackles using the longest single leaf and now I’ve bolted down the rest they are a little shorter :mad:

Hoping all will be well as they are still angled but only just :oops:
Well what a battle that was. Not sure why but I’ve been at it all day and only managed to melt together four pieces of metal.

Mi new genny dunt like the welder so they have been rowin all day, i feel like I’ve been to the gym and for the last hour the hound has been giving it large coz he’s late for his tea :rolleyes:

Any road up ‘outriggers’ just the one in reality :oops:


Thank god they ain’t structural :(

Just a few hours today playing with the bendy up bit at the back. I think I’ve broken the record for grinding out tacks :(

Huge faff getting the damn thing straight and square but finally getting there. Before finishing the rear outrigger I need to make a template of the rear series wheel arch so I can duplicate the shape and position the outrigger to suit.
Its turning into a mare :( The new genny is struggling with the welder and its making things very hard to melt owt :mad:

I'm blundering on regardless as usual and managed a bit more this afternoon :rolleyes: Another day at it should have it beat with any luck.


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