If you need any insulation for it I have loads of 8'x4' x 1" foam core sheets available and also both 2" & 1" polystyrene. FOC collection from up the road at Kearsley or I could probably drop off if you don't have a van big enough.
If you need any insulation for it I have loads of 8'x4' x 1" foam core sheets available and also both 2" & 1" polystyrene. FOC collection from up the road at Kearsley or I could probably drop off if you don't have a van big enough.
I was thinking of that there kingspan stuff or similar. I believe it’s efficiency is hard to beat. Oh and it dunt burn. :oops:
They do a silver coated bubble wrap. Same heat retention values but for no real weight.
But it burns....;)
Yea but that int good at sound insulation. I wouldn’t want polystyrene coz @blue beasty uses it and he's common :p. But if foam core sheet is what they are calling kingspan/celotex these days I’ll snatch Inters arm off. It’s belting stuff but I’ve only worked with heavy stuff for building hooses.
I’m sure the one inch will be the best for the job.
I will be using 2x1 finished size for the framework so it sounds ideal. :)
And only in Kersley :):) All I’ll need is a baseball bat and a new machete to pick it up :eek:
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Only just seen this thread, sounding good so far!!!

But when you say series sympathetic, do you mean it's going to leak, cold and draughty? Or just really bouncy? :)
Don’t be daft. It will just stay in bits in the yard for ten years then appear on eBay as a rolling restoration defender. :D
To be honest the leaf springs are that huge I doubt if it will have much bounce at all.
Hard to tell what is original and what was added to the standard brockhouse trailer I’m using. It seems to have had substantial strengthening at some point in its long life.
Well. Did go to the lockup but didn’t actually do anything. Got called away rather urgently so no progress. Try again tomorrow :mad:
He’ll fire look at the time, and not a pot washed.
Only just managed to get mi genny box built. Ah well another job out of the way.
Just making room to flip the chassis onto it’s haxle :D

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