Land rover are not only expensive on BMW stuff their general pricing for parts is way over the top in many instances. (ANR4709) L/H £37.34 for a 12" length of brake pipe with two tube nuts on maybe a little over the top but. (ANR4710) R/H at £72.47 for the same length of pipe with the same tube nuts bent in the opposite hand is taking the **** in a far reaching manner.

LR are **** takers - but I was just pointing out the differential in cost of identical BMW-sourced parts was thanks to BMW nobbling Rover. No excuse for the ten years since though!
Two points I'd like to mention having spent a while reading this thread.

The only way to get an accurate as poss coolant temp reading is to use a laser thermometer - these are a lot cheaper these days and are incredibly useful for diagnosing faults in cooling systems. You can take readings from various parts eg inflow and out flow of the rad, heater hoses, find airlocks etc. Oil coolers also are a part of the engine cooling function. Mass produced instruments on the dash were never designed to be that accurate.

And if it helps at all, I had a '96 diesel which I used to tow a 2 tonne caravan over the alps with and it did once or twice advise me of an overheat, not for me to pull over but for me to be aware - the temp gauge did rise if I remember correctly but not enough for stopping the vehicle. Anyway, the point I'm trying to make is, is that the car drove perfectly for another 15 months without a problem - one day the exterior temp sensor said 43C - we lived in Greece then and it had one of the hottest summers in living memory.

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