Just arrived .. new rear trailing arms and suspension mounts.


Which means all the 'extras' I promised myself are here now, ready to be built up properly to make a decent off-road package with good articulation and fairly (for a green-laner) supple suspension. Not going to buld anything yet, want it running and rusty bits patched etc, not that there are many, but there's enough small bits that could soon become large bits to spend some decent time over!

With a bit of luck I'll also get a Limited Slip diff too, but I ain't holding me breath for that!
nice bit of fettling to do there :)

i do like the adrenalin stuff must admit, always gone oooooo at it

yet dont own any

odd ?
Wait till you see their stuff in the flesh ... To say it's over-engineered, especially when put against a standard arm, is showing others you have no idea of what it means .. it is _WAY_ over engineered .. which means good, to me, for what it does!
The 'before pics' .. a bit of fettling and cleaning needed, these aren't 'my' radius arms but I've been given them to fit new bushes into off the vehicle so I can just swap arms over. Gonna see how nice they come up. There will be 'after' pics some time ..



Just arrived .. new rear trailing arms and suspension mounts.


Which means all the 'extras' I promised myself are here now, ready to be built up properly to make a decent off-road package with good articulation and fairly (for a green-laner) supple suspension. Not going to buld anything yet, want it running and rusty bits patched etc, not that there are many, but there's enough small bits that could soon become large bits to spend some decent time over!

With a bit of luck I'll also get a Limited Slip diff too, but I ain't holding me breath for that!

I put them on mine Paul, proper over engineered top stuff, going to put front caster corrected on front from adrenaline as like their products :)
you doing cranked arms on the arse end and standard on the front paul?


Reason being the rear now has a lot more movement than the front, and as it stood it steered and handled fine, the cranked trailing arms are because I needed to replace one, as it's bent so I wanted a 'better' trailing arm and as I'm fitting longer shocks now, I also wanted to use the extra travel more effectively. And they look the bollocks ..

The radius arms will be changed, maybe, in future .. though I'm more likely to do it 'correctly' at the front and sort the caster via re-engineered swivels. For off-roading it's reasonable, the only time I have any issues with the existing caster are fast road driving, when it can get a bit twitchy .. but that mostly just means I can drift the bends a bit easier .. ;)
I put them on mine Paul, proper over engineered top stuff, going to put front caster corrected on front from adrenaline as like their products :)

Certainly can't fault your flex, Tim .. ;)
The advantage of new radius arms is caster correction AND extension and cranking and weight saving...
The advantage of new radius arms is caster correction AND extension and cranking and weight saving...

Oh yeah, at a cost. Funds for 'bits' have run out and radius arms, in my opinion, don't actually limit travel too much .. indeed it's not many green lane vehicles that need much travel up front.

I had a very limited budget, bought what was needed and a few chosen extras.

In fact, just picked up the front seats ..


No-name reclining bucket seats, currently on Vauxhall Tigra subframes, but they look like they'll just bolt straight onto my 3-door Disco seat bases. Very close, anyway, so minot fettling and steelwork to sort at most.
Paul, might need you to come and give us coastal dwellers some Inspirational videos on how to servive deep water wading.

as as I type, we In deep ****e with predicted water coming...lol
So, small movements forwards. Had a bad week last week, Man flu is a downer, man .. got next to nothing done.

This week’s not been so bad so far, Fitted +2" front shocks and swapped front springs for +2" Heavier Duty springs .. same wire size, same spring lengths, fewer coils so stiffer. Weighed the 'extras' and I carry 44Kgs of winch and steering guard up front! Also fitted +5” rear shocks and mounting brackets yesterday then fitted bushes to trailing arms last night, thanks to TC, sorry for breaking the Impact Driver!!

Today finished the rear suspension off by fitting the trailing arms, checking the brake pipes etc, all’s good, but that’s without tyres and loaded kit.

Nearside shock and trailing arm fitted ..

Bush angle at full extension (me standing on the caliper), not too bad at all ;)

I just love the lines of the arms ..

And the axle showing that the arms, even without any effort or pressure give about an extra 2” droop .. nearside only is fitted, offside still has standard arm on.


Then with both arms fitted the springs slightly dislocate already!

Needs some fine tuning I think, but it’s looking good as a base so far! Going to move the brake line mounting plate so the brake line sits easier. It doesn’t pull as it is, but I’d rather have some ‘spare’ .. ;)

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