If you've never heard that before then you've definitely fixed something!

It's basically one of those annoying driver aids - it's just a reminder that you've got the key in the ignition but not shut your drivers door.
Nothing to worry about. :)


Well, gonna check that ..
Slap me down wiv' a fevver .. Heheheh, you're right, damn good call my man, MGBGTV8.

Sat, well, crouched 'cos the seats are not bolted in, door shut, key in ignition, no wailing, but the engine fires!!!

How odd .. 'stuff' seems to work ... I guess it's really drying out. The Alpine glass in it must be helping too, thanks mate!!
have you still got the dehumidifier running in it?

No, it got to only having drops in it!

However, when I take the dash out the plan is to jetwash the inner bulkhead and 'sort out' any issues that might be there, hopefully not many, and then replace the dehumidifier. I do know there are pockets of water still hanging about, but it's mostly in places that usually get damp anyway!
So, todays video ..

Sorry, it's 8 minutes long, but it was originally a few short clips which I just spliced together. The 8 minutes actually stretches over a couple of hours or so, and shows a few stages I've gone through to empty the fuel tank of good diesel and 'stuff' .. ;)

Hope someone enjoys it ...

Draining the fuel tank ..
Paul's vids come across just like the bloke himself, proper top guy.

Was hilarious when he was wasted on a laning trip last Christmas, but I guess you wouldn't remember that paul, falling about the place was so so good.

Credit to the forum is our hero Paul D :)
theres summat about your vids that allus makes it enjoyable to watch.
mebe the accent, or down to earth way you present them.

"ahll jus gi'it anuvver suck" :cool:

cheers :D
yep, I`d second that,
and i`m a bloody essex boy :p
keep `em coming paul..
Nice one Paul. In your next instalment can you give us a full bore northern "Ekky Thump" in the commentary :bounce::bounce:
Cheers guys, I like havin' a laugh ..

Wait till I get onto electrickery, I know notalot about it, so expect 'this thing goes to that thing' kinda soundtrack .. :)
Cheers guys, I like havin' a laugh ..

Wait till I get onto electrickery, I know notalot about it, so expect 'this thing goes to that thing' kinda soundtrack .. :)
same as me, but mine goes,
this goes there, where the fcuk does that go..
its the way I was brought up...lol
my best friend is a leccie tester, earth clip one end, a pointy screwdriver bit with a bulb inside the other...if it lights - its live...lol
Slap me down wiv' a fevver .. Heheheh, you're right, damn good call my man, MGBGTV8.

Sat, well, crouched 'cos the seats are not bolted in, door shut, key in ignition, no wailing, but the engine fires!!!

How odd .. 'stuff' seems to work ... I guess it's really drying out. The Alpine glass in it must be helping too, thanks mate!!

It'll get there soon enough mate!
Keep the vids coming - they're great! :D
Just came across this and glad you're ok and the disco. :)

Not sure if you can do this. But with some dehumidifiers you can extend the outlet pipe. So instead of going to the tank you can have exiting to the outside and avoid emptying the tank. :)
No videos today, been getting wet again!

Removed radiator and intercooler and 'stuff' around and about, so I can get to the cam belt to change that. It's about time for it and I'll feel better replacing it anyway.

Does anyone reckon that it might be worth doing the front crank seal at the same time while I'll have easier access? No signs of it leaking right now, but ...

Just bought off ebay a garage .. well, a 6m x 3m greenhouse .. to try and keep me dry while I work on it!

Found the alternator stud has sheared into the engine casing, but shouldn't be hard to shift.

Went indoors and took some bits and tools, our lass went apoplectic ... but then got the knot out of my winch rope .. well, Juliet actually got it out, I just moaned at her for taking so long and kept saying it'll save us £300 if she can get it out as an incentive! ;)

Cleaned the winch and it all works, though the remote unit doesn't, but they're cheap as chips. Similarly cleaned the Alternator and that also works, so all the extraneous parts are seemingly OK so far ..

Much nicer working in the house than the shed or garden!
more years ago than I can remember, I used to rebuild my racing mini engines in our then kitchen on a massive pine table.
sort of nearly each week ;)
Mrs loved me then.................... LOL

get screamed at now If I come in with muddy boots FFS !!

but when your cold, when your old, and when you need to pee urgently.....

sometimes the screaming at is better than a warm wet feeling...lol
Keep up the good work Paul, The Doz house hold (the kids are just as daft as me) are routing for the old girl, hoping to hear her run soon.

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