I'd suggest just go for the cheapest oil for everything, don't worry about it being EP or ATF for g/boxes as its only for flushing.
I would remove intercooler, pipe work and turbo before you do anything. They will be full of water and crap as well.
If you have already removed said parts ignore my post lol
Cheers for that K, added to my list. :)

Just been out to check the humidifier .. almost full ..

Juliet reckons it'll be drawing moisture from outside as well now, maybe. I reckon I'll keep it going though, I reckon it'll draw more moisture out of the leccy which might help.

Having trouble getting the wading plugs out but think they're made of cheese, a drill might be employed shortly, and a tap to clean the threads out.

Got a set of Irwin bolt extractors you can borrow if you're still having trouble removing the wading plugs. Mine was also made of cheese and had to use them to get mine out :eek: either that or a fecking gorilla tightened them up :eek:
I work in an oil refinery. One of my jobs was the storage and export of lube oil base stock. It's not possible to avoid some water in oil. Even the crude oil which comes to us contains a percentage of water. It's common practice to keep lube oil tanks hot. This has two effects, 1 one it lowers the viscosity so making it easier to pump, 2 it boils the water out of the oil. Now that you have drained the engine continue to check for water in the cylinders, inlet track etc. Once your happy you've got as much of the free water out fill it with cheapo oil and go for a start. You need to be bringing it up to running temp and then you need to leave they're for a good 15-30 minutes. This will boil any remaining oil out of the crank case. Leave filler cap off so it aids venting. Once you've done that drop oil and filter, refill with good oil and jobs done. All engines suffer with water in oil from condensation especially if they're used for short trips. Ask anybody who owns a motorbike with a sight glass. During the winter months it's not unusual to see mayo in the glass when you check the bike after it's cooled. Soon boils out again once it's been run for while. That creamy cack your seeing is what we call the emulsified layer. It's where the water and oil actually come in to contact with each other. Trust me when I say if you heat that to around 100C the water will boil off and you will be left with a usable oil but with small amounts like that it's not worth it. You can do the same with the diesel in your tank but you only heat to around 80C and it takes longer to get the water to boil off. But for fek sake be careful!!!! it will go bang if you get that wrong and I take no responsibility if you do it!!!!!! If it was me I'd decant it in to containers which have a tap at the bottom. Leave it to settle for 24 hours and hopefully most of the water will sink to bottom and you can just run it off. Then syphon the top 3/4 of the diesel off and throw the last 1/4 away.
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Some more videos of draining the engine and gearboxes ..

Boring as watching an engine drain, but wtf, I was surprised at the amount of water in there! Dunno why, it was under water from Tuesday to Thursday ..

Camera doesn't pick it up, but the colours were quite nice, considering, the stink was awful!





Hope someone enjoys .. ;)

do all fluids, brakes/clutch and pas as well
Landy still drying out, but the seats, outside under a tarp, weren't, so I dumped them in the rear of the Disco, closed the doors and will leave the de-humidifier running .. ;)
Didn't think of that... Big thanks to mg for the alpine light.
If your reusing the seats strip them and put the fabric parts in the washing machine
ohh good Idea that SN..
mine were just "aged" when I got my old disco 5 years ago.

got more "soiled" in the last 5 years...;)
today I had to brush out sand and ballast out the back where I have been carrying builders crap about,
as I had to deliver a bed to my grandsons new place..

good old workhorses discos..
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hi paul,

sorry i haven`t replied earlier to the thread but dont get on the computer much now.

first off mate, i was supposed to be out with you that day but things didnt go to plan.

im so glad your well on the road to recovery now and the disco too, im not too far from you but if theres any help you need etc. ill help wherever i can, im a mechanic after all :cool:

david told me the day after it happened and i was due to come and help with the recovery too but the date was brought forward.

anyhow, been thinking about you fella, and as said glad to see your getting through it all ok.

we went and drove through your ford last thursday too, much easier now, even my disco went through :eek:

you know where i am if you need owt anyway mate :cool:

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