Adrian Flux Insurance - Click Here to get a quote!
So update. After being promised some decisive action yesterday. I haven't had 1 phone call or email all day. I'm probably looking at a second week of taxis to work.
I was with Lancaster for ages.
Apart from trying to bump up the premium each year and having to be crafty to get it back down, they were OK.
But once i needed to be able to take a car abroad for more than 3 months a year, they were no good.
They were OK when I had an accident abroad, although it wasn't my fault, and that may have made things go easier!
I was with Lancaster for ages.
Apart from trying to bump up the premium each year and having to be crafty to get it back down, they were OK.
But once i needed to be able to take a car abroad for more than 3 months a year, they were no good.
They were OK when I had an accident abroad, although it wasn't my fault, and that may have made things go easier!
Thanks for that. I've no plans for taking the landy out of the county let alone the country but I'll keep my eyes open come renewal time. To be honest, at that price, I did think it was cheap to draw me in.

Thanks for that. I've no plans for taking the landy out of the county let alone the country but I'll keep my eyes open come renewal time. To be honest, at that price, I did think it was cheap to draw me in.

The secret on renewal is to go in as if you are signing up for the first time.
They might well ask you "What have you been quoted so far?" to which I replied "Nothing yet, you are the first people i have rung."
They will then quote you and if you say, "Well thanks for that, I'll ring a few others now to compare." they may well say "What will it take for you not to do that and to go with us?" which is what they did with me.
Once I got them down to a sum, and the wheels ground into motion, they eventually asked me for proof of no claims discount at which point I told them they'd find it on their files, as I was an existing customer.
Deafening silence, but as we all know all calls are recorded!
The chap beetled off to talk to his manager but they couldn't do anything. They had to give me the quoted premium which was well lower than the renewal quoted.
But they all do that, as you say, tis a sprat to catch a mackerel!
Best of luck with it.
So update. After being promised some decisive action yesterday. I haven't had 1 phone call or email all day. I'm probably looking at a second week of taxis to work.
Looking at the damage to your vehicle, that looks like quite a major prang, which has obviously caused damage to your vehicle, and possibly to other vehicle(s), and/or property and persons as well.
So the insurer may be looking at quite a hefty bill. So they may be stalling for time a bit until the claim forms, and results of any investigation into the accident come in, so they can make a full assessment of who was at fault, and what kind of amount they may be liable for.
So after 4 weeks of nonsense. I'm now being told the settlement figure is 1000 odd pounds instead of the 8500 agreed valuation figure. Can anybody please help. It's into week 4 now.
So after 4 weeks of nonsense. I'm now being told the settlement figure is 1000 odd pounds instead of the 8500 agreed valuation figure. Can anybody please help. It's into week 4 now.
Providing you can prove, on paper/email that you had paid for an agreed value insurance, then they have nowhere to go. You should get the service you paid for, if not they have obtained you premiums by fraud. This should be obvious in the policy documentation. Fraud is a criminal offence.
If you are having no luck, write to the CEOs of both the broker and the insurance company, enclosing the relevant documentation.
If that doesn't work then call on the ombudsman.
Go to the Citizens Advice Bureau if necessary.
At the end of the day, if you really can prove your case, the small claims track is open to you and is not expensive. costs will be paid back if you win and if not then the cost really is quite trifling compared to the loss/gain involved.
Best of luck mate.
All agreed mods should appear on your insurance document or they are not valid. Mine are stated on the policy itself. If it is not stated on the policy, then a request for the phone call recording should be asked for.
Good luck, it is a nightmare dealing with these things!
So after 4 weeks of nonsense. I'm now being told the settlement figure is 1000 odd pounds instead of the 8500 agreed valuation figure. Can anybody please help. It's into week 4 now.
What excesses do you have? And do you know what was paid out to third parties?
As regards mods.
There is a fairly strong argument that unless it can be proved that the mod or mods led to the accident or exacerbated the damage then the insurance company is on dodgy ground trying to use this to refuse to pay out properly.
For instance, a mod like a fancy paint job which might make it more attractive for thieves but cannot have an effect on roadworthiness.....
Is axa your insurer or the third parties? What have flux said about the agreed value paperwork you have? Flux are great as long as you don't have to claim.
As regards mods.
There is a fairly strong argument that unless it can be proved that the mod or mods led to the accident or exacerbated the damage then the insurance company is on dodgy ground trying to use this to refuse to pay out properly.
For instance, a mod like a fancy paint job which might make it more attractive for thieves but cannot have an effect on roadworthiness.....

Totally agree with this, if you have Agreed Value in writing then they are trying dirty tricks to get out of paying if none of the MODS contributed to the accident. I also note no futher comments from them on this thread.
Surely adrian flux as the broker shold be fighting on your behalf, after all that is their job?
If they are not, why not? there has to be a reason even if it is poor.

Tbh I have never read anything good concerning adrian flux, in fact normally the opposite.

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