I got booked in to the b&b in the 4 person room, I told them I don't mind sharing.. they said they had a few more emails to reply to. :thumbup:
I'm with 110 on food etc. we'll sort ourselves out Fri night sat/sun morning. Minty will have bacon roll I'll probably trough the biggest brekkie the pub does. :D I likes a good fry up I does. Speshully if I'm on the pop sat night..
I'm with 110 on food etc. we'll sort ourselves out Fri night sat/sun morning. Minty will have bacon roll I'll probably trough the biggest brekkie the pub does. :D I likes a good fry up I does. Speshully if I'm on the pop sat night..

i thought you did not/could not drink red.:confused:
i thought you did not/could not drink red.:confused:

I'm not supposed to over indulge cos of the diabetes. :( I'm ok with one or two beers. problems arise once I get past the 4 or 5 stage Cos then I don't stop till I fall over / run out / get dragged off to bed.
I have to say dude that you have one of the most impressive snores i've ever heard, there ain't no dinosaurs coming near your wigwam:D:D

lets hope the walls are good an thick then ...don't mind giving Mr Mud a kick , but i ain't getting out to come an give you a good kicking! .....:D

speeshully when you're twice my height!:eek:
I'm not supposed to over indulge cos of the diabetes. :( I'm ok with one or two beers. problems arise once I get past the 4 or 5 stage Cos then I don't stop till I fall over / run out / get dragged off to bed.

Heh, Same here .. used to drink and manage quite a few, nowadays, many more than three or four and I'm going ... :eek:
I'm not supposed to over indulge cos of the diabetes. :( I'm ok with one or two beers. problems arise once I get past the 4 or 5 stage Cos then I don't stop till I fall over / run out / get dragged off to bed.

ok,i new about the diabetes,just thought drinking was out completely.nice that you can have a couple though.beers i mean.:D
ok,i new about the diabetes,just thought drinking was out completely.nice that you can have a couple though.beers i mean.:D

trouble is sticking to a couple. most of time its easier not to have any. But Am sure Minty will keep her eye on me.. :eek: :rolleyes: