it was muted. I aint been keeping up with the multitude of freds.

last I heard was Rik saying his 90 would get up Stanedge :eek:
it was muted. I aint been keeping up with the multitude of freds.

last I heard was Rik saying his 90 would get up Stanedge :eek:

Take my last post as 'the truth' .. we are planning green laning only.

What others want to do is of little concern .. but Riks 90 would probably get up amything!! ;)
Next weekend we're caravanning in Castleton, Lose Hill Caravan Park .. whilst there I'll have some time to kill so will be recceing some of the lesser known lanes, and looking for newer ones, or lanes I haven't done (not that many) in that area. If anyone's up for it they'd be welcome to join me. As yet I will probably be going alone, but that's no worries, if they look too gnarly I'll do 'em anyway .. ;)

Won't have a lot of time, so I'll be working out a route to take in as many new lanes as possible with a view to stopping regularly so I can make notes. It's likely that a lot of this may be turn around and back-tracking or driving a lane then driving in reverse to check it both ways .. it's a working recce, I'll try not to enjoy it!! ;) Sorry, this won't be a trip for newbies, it's unlikely that you'll enjoy the messing about that comes when laning like this!

Any leaders/helpers/whatever want to join and offer insights/derision and scorn feel free to pm me and I'll reply with a time and meeting place, probably 9am ish Saturday 1st dec ..
Would have loved to join you Paul but Sal insists on Tenerife. Any recee-ing you'd like doing over there? Lol

Git ...

Just make sure the beaches are nice .. and bars are nicer still .. Have a good time mate .. ;)
Hi Paul, fancy pm-ing or phoning me the results of your recce for the non scratchy lanes, please? I'm away Friday to Friday so Sat could be good for catch up if that's ok?
With time I'll be adding notes as well, so hard remembering lanes, where they are in relation to each other and what they're like to drive .. we do so many!

Also going to detour to the pub we're staying at, get an idea of it and the lanes around it if I get time!
Just seen theres a space at no 50 on the list...does that meansomeones dropped out and gemsdad gets shifted onto main list and everyone else moves up one too ?