With the safety regulations about now i think we will be kissing good by to the ladder frame chassis as we know it now.
With the safety regulations about now i think we will be kissing good by to the ladder frame chassis as we know it now.

Without the ladder frame how will they offer a cherry picker or tipper or any of the hundreds of variations that have made the Land Rover such a success for the last 60 odd years.
Perhaps Land Rover in their wisdom have decided to abandon that part of the market and just produce an also ran 4X4, relying on the image of their illustrious history for sales, oh hang on they produce the Freelander, Evoque and Range Rooney which fulfill that niche.
I can see why they have started from a fresh as the current defender would take to much to bring it into the 21st century.

I do think LR need to actually look at there customer base. I thought land rover was sticking with the proper offroaders and range rover doing the soft roaders and alike.

The new design is growing on me in a way that yes I could see my self driving that about, on the road only and not for a good number of years until they hit current 90 prices. Who really is going to take one of these offroad more then a learners greenlane trip?

The price has go to be miles above what a current new land rover goes for.

I herd that a couple of years + back a load of farmers went from using defenders to the hilux but then after a period they went back to LR as they either broke the chassis or the things just weren't up to the job.

Defenders are used for such a variety of tasks I really do unfortunately think that they will loose so much custom to pickups like the hilux and the price of current 90's and 110's will shoot up.

Will they be making a long wheel based version?
i just started another thread regarding the poll, as I think that people who aren't following this thread anymore should probably know about the poll and tell Tata what they think!
im all for it!! its an absolutely hideous piece of **** and would never even dream of owning one.. but id only ever go as new as a TD5 so it wont effect me..!

and as mentioned if they did make it, our fenders will become much more valuable!
I don't mind the look so much if I'm honest. No-one has seen the interior, or underneath, under the hood, or really knows anything whatsoever about it. low-profile tyres are a stupid idea, but my main concern will be the practicality, modularity, and whether I can put a tonne of firewood, or hay in the back without worrying about a plush interior! I will miss the boxy look, but aerodynamics aren't the worst thing in the world! It's not like I'm even remotely thinking about buying a defender newer than 15 years old anyway lol
From the moment you couldn't fit a spare wheel to the bonnet of a Defender (still possible with a TD5, but only with Austrailian help!!), I think it ceased to be one!! Nothing will ever be the same again. Series I, II, III, 90/110, Defender 200, 300, TD5 Discovery I and II and Range Rover Classic are (in my humble opinion) the real Land Rovers (that's not to say the others aren't great cars, but...).
First of all,

hate the design, it looks like a rav 4 school run wagon.

It looks to 'expensive' raising concerns about modular design and aftermarket parts, both fitting and cost of...

While it 'may' have serious off road performance, it strikes me that i dont think many people would take this off road as it has lost its rough and ready simplicity.

HOWEVER - there is some hope..

"Land Rover insists its next Defender will be a rugged workhorse, having ruled out moving it upmarket as a luxurious car that simply looks butch on the outside," says BBC business reporter Jorn Madslien.


"Land Rover can no longer rely on military contracts, so more promising markets might be in emerging markets such as Brazil, Russia, India and China, where working vehicle sales are booming in parallel with rapid economic growth that is predicted to continue for decades yet.
To succeed in these markets, a new Defender will need to be able to compete on both price and quality," says our reporter"

The second point is especially important, IF the defender is looking at emerging markets as a utility vehicle in the developing world, the i will need to be:

Competatively priced

All of which if you ask me are hall marks of the land rover we all know and love.

The only exception to this is the pricing (i feel the Stealer price on a brand new TD5/TDCI is far higher that the vehicle warrants)

so potentially we could see a drop in price to make it economically viable in the developing world, and also to compete with the cheaper japanese utility vehicles that are growing massively in popularity
my heart goes out to the man on the production line that has to put the defender badge on the front of that pile of crap
that really is a concept, id be surprised if much of that makes it onto a real car
having looked at this fashion buggy,have orderer myself a handbag dog,ugg boots,iphone4 and seat covers,so i dont get my lovely new white leather seats (with heated head rests) dirty, bring it on!! when i cant get over a matchstick in the snow at xmas, i will wait for a lovely REAL land rover driver to help me, I agree with all of the above REAL LANDY lovers end or an era because of their error !!
Oh God - I'm going to vomit...

AND the Koreans will do it better and cheaper
AND it will serve Land Rover fu**ing right!!!
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As a 'Defender' replacement...No

But as a niche Land Rover product to appeal to a more youthful market sector, with another model name, bringing in more money to Land Rover UK, ...Yes

Land Rover....build it, sell it, just do not call it a 'Defender'.
i dont know what all the fuss is about i am 4k + in pocket and its only going to go up any one want a 97 90 csw for 21 k then lol
i agree this should not hold the name defender
land rover let the defender name rest in peace
please donot barstadise it with this ****e

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