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Hi Jay
Could i ask you to do one thing when all this ****e is over??
Post pics and the reg number on here for all to see.
I cant see the trader wanting to sell this heap to another customer so i can see it going to auction so he has no comeback.
If our members spot the car at an auction they may be able to stop someone else from going through the same **** you're going through now.

Hi Jay
Could i ask you to do one thing when all this ****e is over??
Post pics and the reg number on here for all to see.
I cant see the trader wanting to sell this heap to another customer so i can see it going to auction so he has no comeback.
If our members spot the car at an auction they may be able to stop someone else from going through the same **** you're going through now.


And also the name and location of the MOT station that passed it.

No post last night, so still no official outcome as yet!!!

I will get pics ready to upload and the reg number, as i agree this car will end up at auction.

DVLA did contact me to say that they will be tracking the car after a tip off from VOSA,

The MOT station was in Carluke, Lanarkshire. Will the MOT station number indicate the station location???

Seems strange that it was MOT'd (dodgy) sent to auction and brought by a Trader several hundred miles away.
I bought a dodgy moter few years back. M reg 405. Taxed Motd. took it fot test 6 month later to find it was a forged mot and car was a ringer. Test drove it, rolled round under it and still got fingers burnt. We all get shafted at some point. Good luck Jay. hope it all works out. A dodgy private seller one thing, but a dodgy dealer? How many iffy motors they passing off? They are dangerous. Should by closed down

No post last night, so still no official outcome as yet!!!

I will get pics ready to upload and the reg number, as i agree this car will end up at auction.

DVLA did contact me to say that they will be tracking the car after a tip off from VOSA,

The MOT station was in Carluke, Lanarkshire. Will the MOT station number indicate the station location???

Seems strange that it was MOT'd (dodgy) sent to auction and brought by a Trader several hundred miles away.

There should by now be one less Jock MOT tester then. The brake pipes alone would be an instant fail, with the vehicle marked as in a dangerous condition.
Contact the dealer and let him know you have not received the letter.
Keep the pressure on him daily.
Ask him for the name and contact details of the solicitor representing him to whom a summons can be served. If he wont give it to you he is most likely bull****ting you.
If you dont receive the letter today give him an ultimatum of say 7 days for a full and final amicable setlement. i.e. last chance.
Rogues tend to specialise in delay tactics as they know that the longer it takes the weaker you become - so does your case in reality as things tend to get harder to proove and at best vague.
Good luck.
Good advice from QED, best write if you have not received settlement giving 7 days to pay and send it recorded delivery so the Trader cannot say he did not receive it.
Contact the dealer and let him know you have not received the letter.
Keep the pressure on him daily.
Ask him for the name and contact details of the solicitor representing him to whom a summons can be served. If he wont give it to you he is most likely bull****ting you.
If you dont receive the letter today give him an ultimatum of say 7 days for a full and final amicable setlement. i.e. last chance.
Rogues tend to specialise in delay tactics as they know that the longer it takes the weaker you become - so does your case in reality as things tend to get harder to proove and at best vague.
Good luck.

Good advice. Issue a "notice before precedings" letter out-lining the course of action you require before you take further action.
hi jay.
if u gents allow me to give my opinon,in case and i mean in case (not being negative) things don't turn out the good way for jay,and he is left with this car to repair,according to what he has described if he wants to repair it,how much will it cost him?
i believe jay that u start on concentrating on how and where and what to start to repair,and prioritizing.
1.brakes lines believe they r cheap no?
2.airbags,if u get 4 dunlops oem joint,a replacement with the rubber and grease how much?
4.axle straightening and balacing (can it be done properly)?
5.oil leaks (believe it is common on rangies),could be oil separator clogged,oil sump gasket,rocker covers need tightening or new gaskets.(this is not expensive right?)
6.u didn't mention the situation of the engine and transmission and transfer/box,diffs?if these things are good including the paint work and body and interior,isn't it worthy to keep and repair?
hell i spent already 2300$ on mine and still needs arround 1000$ and i am sure that most of u gents had spend even more or less on ur rangies.
i wish u the best jay and hope things will turn out for ur favor,i am just trying to put the idea in ur head to accept ur rangie and focus on how to repair it in case the dealer didn't give u ur money back.i know that alot of gents here will not agree but it is just i am trying to put jay on the alternative route.
chees all
Crackin Good Post there Jorjio, Completely agree it IS always best to KNOW what your overall costs COULD BE if this ****er of a dealer decides to **** you about.

Also if it does make it to court (GOD FORBID!)the judge WILL ASK what a "Decent" repair cost for the motor COULD BE...

So Jay, instead of sitting waiting for this "Supposed" letter (& playin "Mind Games" with yerself) fill youir time fruitfully by getting estimates of "Proposed" repair work .....

Also if (very Doubtful) the dealer says he'll get it repaired for you .....Present him with your estimates (from either 1 2 or 10 garages) & tell him you want THOSE PEOPLE TO REPAIR the vehicle as they are totally independant from BOTH SIDES of the arguement.
Crackin Good Post there Jorjio, Completely agree it IS always best to KNOW what your overall costs COULD BE if this ****er of a dealer decides to **** you about.

Also if it does make it to court (GOD FORBID!)the judge WILL ASK what a "Decent" repair cost for the motor COULD BE...

So Jay, instead of sitting waiting for this "Supposed" letter (& playin "Mind Games" with yerself) fill youir time fruitfully by getting estimates of "Proposed" repair work .....

Also if (very Doubtful) the dealer says he'll get it repaired for you .....Present him with your estimates (from either 1 2 or 10 garages) & tell him you want THOSE PEOPLE TO REPAIR the vehicle as they are totally independant from BOTH SIDES of the arguement.
what u think claw how much money he'll need to fix that pile of ****?
if it is me i will start with the axle chassis along with brakes line,so the car will be drivable,then the rear bags (otherwise bye bye air pump),then cv stuff then the oil leak.
bloody hell all that 4 2 airbags and brakes pipes and straightening the chassis?dunno abt costs in ur area but in where i am ,2 oem airbags are for 200$ brakes pipes are for 20$ each side,as for straightening the chassis they will do it for 100$,cv dunno abt it yet but no way it will be more than 100$,as for oil leaks if no tightening involved it is a matter of gaskets 5 to 10 $ each,except for the middle area that will involve engine or tranny out to replace the seal,50$ charge to remove the tranny 30$ for the rubber seal.
if it was me jay,i will wait 1 more weak for any result,this dealer is strong,he has people in his back,oherwise he won't risk his reputation,he is exhausting u so u will be fed up and leave him alone,he is making u hate the damn thing more and more,u bought it coz u like it,just think of that,these are not major things (they r very important),but i am sure they cost less than a block replacement,or 2 diffs...
that is just me though..
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