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That's all I ever saw it as. I said I thought you'd give me a run for my money and I was right, I know when I've been beaten and I also know who beat me. You were willing to crank it higher than I ever would have and I respect that. I mean this as a compliment and I think you'll take as one I think you are a borderline lunatic. As for everyone else that I have posted to it has not been serious or personal, not in my mind anyway, I've had a laugh. If you've had a crack at me I've had one back. I'm not apologizing as will anyone else. I also feel this has come to an end as I have received threats of violence via private messages and arson. Those of which I will not respond to. I will leave you to make of this what you will.

I want to give Wammers and Ratty a mention too. You kept coming back when most were posting Smiley faces Wammers and I respect that and Ratty for when I properly ripped a post that I misinterpreted, it got sorted, life went on.

This will most probably be classed as a cop out but I won't put up with or respond to threats, especially for such a trivial reason.

I won't be reading nor posting on this thread anymore. It was fun till it wasn't.

Our PM's I posted in the thread, burning someones house down is extreme.
I do have a tendency to find someones trigger buttons:p

Seriously, stick around I personally have no ill will and it is all water under the bridge.
Our PM's I posted in the thread, burning someones house down is extreme.
I do have a tendency to find someones trigger buttons:p

Seriously, stick around I personally have no ill will and it is all water under the bridge.

He'll need that water if someone sets fire to him...:eek:
As you all know I like a wind up, I must say I didn't know people were PMing dids offering to burn his house down or visit him.

Seriously and I mean this sincerely- Dids admitted defeat and I personally think it takes a big personality to publicly admit when your beaten.

Free tea and a biscuit is possible, it's not a hostel for waifs and strays
Who's Dids? And anyone pm'ing threats is gonna get smacked fingers.

:boxing: :focus:

Soooooo should we have a whipp round to free Jay lol... or hows about we all meet up in our landies and rangies at the traders place of work in the hope that he sees sence and sorts out the mess he has made...
I blame the trader for every1 getting hot under the collar... its the stress of waitin to hear from Jay. :fighting2::violent::censored:
Dids said:
I should have been a bit clearer, the threats that concerned me weren't coming from you (no offence). It was post 332 that particularly turned my stomach. I don't think my wife and 2 small children would want to have seen it either. In the grand scheme of things it was wholly inappropriate. I hope you see my point. I PM'd you so you saw this first, but feel free to post this in the thread. At most I took the rise, but that was disgusting.

I appreciate your concerns, one of the important things to remember is

1) Statistically people on forums make suggestions of this that and the other and will pay you a visit- 99.9% the are all mouth and no trousers.

2) People can find it hard to not reply when it's getting to them, replying when a fire is raging merely feeds the situation.

3)Someone says on the INTERNET that they are going to **** your wife=laugh it off as the joke it is, someone said it to your face=burial.
Dids said:
fanatic said:
Dids said:
I should have been a bit clearer, the threats that concerned me weren't coming from you (no offence). It was post 332 that particularly turned my stomach. I don't think my wife and 2 small children would want to have seen it either. In the grand scheme of things it was wholly inappropriate. I hope you see my point. I PM'd you so you saw this first, but feel free to post this in the thread. At most I took the rise, but that was disgusting.

I appreciate your concerns, one of the important things to remember is

1) Statistically people on forums make suggestions of this that and the other and will pay you a visit- 99.9% the are all mouth and no trousers.

2) People can find it hard to not reply when it's getting to them, replying when a fire is raging merely feeds the situation.

3)Someone says on the INTERNET that they are going to **** your wife=laugh it off as the joke it is, someone said it to your face=burial.

I hear you. That though out of 300+ posts really got to me and I don't know whether it read the same to you as it did to me but it sounded as if he was implying that it was the action you were going to take. It's one thing to post that in the first place but it doesn't seem as if he was refering to himself in it either.

Unfortunately you read too much into it, the problem it is easy to paint a mental picture of someone you have never met.

I have for instance posted street view pictures of peoples houses and their company house details.

It's not personal for me,it is a intellectual challenge and battle of mind.
Dids said:
fanatic said:
Dids said:
fanatic said:
Dids said:
I should have been a bit clearer, the threats that concerned me weren't coming from you (no offence). It was post 332 that particularly turned my stomach. I don't think my wife and 2 small children would want to have seen it either. In the grand scheme of things it was wholly inappropriate. I hope you see my point. I PM'd you so you saw this first, but feel free to post this in the thread. At most I took the rise, but that was disgusting.

I appreciate your concerns, one of the important things to remember is

1) Statistically people on forums make suggestions of this that and the other and will pay you a visit- 99.9% the are all mouth and no trousers.

2) People can find it hard to not reply when it's getting to them, replying when a fire is raging merely feeds the situation.

3)Someone says on the INTERNET that they are going to **** your wife=laugh it off as the joke it is, someone said it to your face=burial.

I hear you. That though out of 300+ posts really got to me and I don't know whether it read the same to you as it did to me but it sounded as if he was implying that it was the action you were going to take. It's one thing to post that in the first place but it doesn't seem as if he was refering to himself in it either.

Unfortunately you read too much into it, the problem it is easy to paint a mental picture of someone you have never met.

I have for instance posted street view pictures of peoples houses and their company house details.

It's not personal for me,it is a intellectual challenge and battle of mind.

Now that sort of shenanigans I love. I can't stand all the hardman crap, that just isn't me. Like I said you served me up ice cold and whether I liked it or not it happened. I take the juice a lot but when someone puts the work in to flip it back I accept it was coming to me.

Quite correct the thrill is in the hunt!
As soon as the hunt is over then to pursue it any further just isn't sporting.

Enjoy the forums-they have a lot to offer, todays news is tomorrows chip wrappers.
Also rest easy in the fact unless you owe someone money-your not going to get a visit.

Well unless tea and hob nobs etc are offered

Sorry I have got internet at home at the moment so not been able to get on.

The meeting was just between the Trader and his solicitor.

From what i understand I have a letter on its way to me, from the solicitor with a proposal.

Its either: here is your refund, + expenses if you acceot there will be no further comeback to the trader. So I cannot then do him for something else. (this is what I was proposing to him as an option).

Or will you accept 3K and you keep the car.

We will see as I think it may be on the door step when I get home. I will go next door if I still have net issues and update.
Take money back plus expenses, don't keep the car unless you want to break it and hope to get some cash back that way.
Take the refund plus sounds like a'll find a decent p38 if you hang around the forum long enough.
Thats the plan, get shot of this pile of ****.

Looking forward to getting home to see what awaits lol.

My god there has been a lot of abuse floating about over the last few days!!!!
Sounds to me like they ought to offer you your money back plus expenses plus the car as it's going to be worthless to anyone else!

Then you can break it and give the parts away to all your new fans!
Yeah..its been a mad week..i blame the boredom of living in a 3rd world luck mate.
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