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Guys thank you for an entertaining evening, I'm off to my pit now!

I'm sure you'll all be on again tomorrow, so until then,
I wish you all good night.
morning fanatic

trust you slept well and are ready to continue the battle against evil on Landy Zone
morning fanatic

trust you slept well and are ready to continue the battle against evil on Landy Zone

Very well, that wasn't a battle that was a bit of light hearted banter.

It's amazing with a few details what you can find, then the more you dig,more you find.:D
:D bit of fun

That's all I ever saw it as. I said I thought you'd give me a run for my money and I was right, I know when I've been beaten and I also know who beat me. You were willing to crank it higher than I ever would have and I respect that. I mean this as a compliment and I think you'll take as one I think you are a borderline lunatic. As for everyone else that I have posted to it has not been serious or personal, not in my mind anyway, I've had a laugh. If you've had a crack at me I've had one back. I'm not apologizing as will anyone else. I also feel this has come to an end as I have received threats of violence via private messages and arson. Those of which I will not respond to. I will leave you to make of this what you will.

I want to give Wammers and Ratty a mention too. You kept coming back when most were posting Smiley faces Wammers and I respect that and Ratty for when I properly ripped a post that I misinterpreted, it got sorted, life went on.

This will most probably be classed as a cop out but I won't put up with or respond to threats, especially for such a trivial reason.

I won't be reading nor posting on this thread anymore. It was fun till it wasn't.
If anyones sent you threats, especially arson, report it...banter, ****-takings one thing..thats a whole different thing. You were an arse though lol
If anyones sent you threats, especially arson, report it...banter, ****-takings one thing..thats a whole different thing. You were an arse though lol

:eek: I'm not an arsonist, but a k series gaylander could persuade me
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As for anyone who wants to visit me feel free:D
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