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Please dont - **** - too late.

Wammers - yu may be correct - that subsequent MOT pass does look dodgy.
CharlesYs involvement does seem suspect at least.

But this is NOT YOUR FIGHT!

CharlesY & wammers
Now listen up knob head. Your primary reason for being involved in this thread is to protect your mate. All very well and good but you know nothing about vehicles or MOT tests.


before you make yourself look even stupider have a read of some of CharlesY threads - he doesn't get on here much but when he does his advise reads like a technical manual - he doesn't google up advise it comes from a head that's got a long lifetimes worth of related data in it

for what it's worth i hold Mr Y in the highest esteem - and no he's not a "friend", but if i was in a position to i would go far out of my way to help him

please read his comments CAREFULLY as i fear your emotions are masking your ability to comprehend the real issue here

before you make yourself look even stupider have a read of some of CharlesY threads - he doesn't get on here much but when he does his advise reads like a technical manual - he doesn't google up advise it comes from a head that's got a long lifetimes worth of related data in it

for what it's worth i hold Mr Y in the highest esteem - and no he's not a "friend", but if i was in a position to i would go far out of my way to help him

please read his comments CAREFULLY as i fear your emotions are masking your ability to comprehend the real issue here

Snigger defusing the situation-must be lonely at the top (joke):p
Calm down lads...:D
Mot testers have discretion and every mot test is different.
I'll give you my example.
RR goes in for mot, fails on 6 points and 2 advisories.
I take the RR home and get all the points repaired.
I phone to book my retest, no problem and I take the RR in.
The tester has a bit of a wobbly as he tried to phone me to explain the tester that mot'd my car was off sick and wouldn't be in until Monday.
I say FFS I need my RR have you seen the snow???
He says (and my point) The car will have to go through another complete test as it's a new tester.
He says I would never retest someone else's test and no one would retest a test I did.
Also his discretion may be totally different than the other tester.

At the end of the day the tester may have been lenient as maybe he new the punter and probably thought the brake pipes would be repaired quickly?
He probably covered his arse by giving advisories.
Make sense?

before you make yourself look even stupider have a read of some of CharlesY threads - he doesn't get on here much but when he does his advise reads like a technical manual - he doesn't google up advise it comes from a head that's got a long lifetimes worth of related data in it

for what it's worth i hold Mr Y in the highest esteem - and no he's not a "friend", but if i was in a position to i would go far out of my way to help him

please read his comments CAREFULLY as i fear your emotions are masking your ability to comprehend the real issue here

Just for once, I have to agree with every word Sean says.
Dear Me.
Wammers has thown his dummy out of his pram again.
Keep it up Wammers, you are doing more than anyone could to let the LandyZoners see the real you.
Best Wishes,

At least i am not the defender of lost causes. Thing is, i know what i am on about you plainly don't. You have caused all the problems on this thread trying to defend your mate who you must know, if you have the experience you claim, be in the wrong. The photograph of the pipe is all that is required, taken a few weeks after the test. An instant fail on the visual inspection and has been in that condition since long before the test date. Trying to defend the indefensible makes you look a right prat.
I have know lots of garage owners who know ****all about cars. Being a garage owner or commanding a squad of pongos does not make you a mechanic. I don't need to come on here and ask how to repair my vehicles. Hows your TD5 going on. Plank.

before you make yourself look even stupider have a read of some of CharlesY threads - he doesn't get on here much but when he does his advise reads like a technical manual - he doesn't google up advise it comes from a head that's got a long lifetimes worth of related data in it

for what it's worth i hold Mr Y in the highest esteem - and no he's not a "friend", but if i was in a position to i would go far out of my way to help him

please read his comments CAREFULLY as i fear your emotions are masking your ability to comprehend the real issue here

Just for once, I have to agree with every word Sean says.

See the old uns doth talk sense. I agree with Trewy agreeing with what Sean said;)
Or, as Jay seems to have stopped posting, close the whole s***ing thread!

But then we'd miss out on loads of fun :rolleyes:

This is a serious issue, fun isn't what I would call someone's misfortune>

I'd also suggest running ones mouth off could be considered slander to those who have said certain things.
Calm down lads...:D
Mot testers have discretion and every mot test is different.
I'll give you my example.
RR goes in for mot, fails on 6 points and 2 advisories.
I take the RR home and get all the points repaired.
I phone to book my retest, no problem and I take the RR in.
The tester has a bit of a wobbly as he tried to phone me to explain the tester that mot'd my car was off sick and wouldn't be in until Monday.
I say FFS I need my RR have you seen the snow???
He says (and my point) The car will have to go through another complete test as it's a new tester.
He says I would never retest someone else's test and no one would retest a test I did.
Also his discretion may be totally different than the other tester.

At the end of the day the tester may have been lenient as maybe he new the punter and probably thought the brake pipes would be repaired quickly?
He probably covered his arse by giving advisories.
Make sense?

The brake pipe is not open to discretion it is an instant fail.
See the old uns doth talk sense. I agree with Trewy agreeing with what Sean said;)

Or he has a very fast connection and a direct line to Google. He simply cannot defend the brake pipe. Only an idiot would even try to.
Maybe they had been covered in grease / copper slip???
Plenty peeps do this, mot testers are not allowed to **** about with the car being mot'd, it's mostly visual...
The truck may have been power-washed in the following 3 months..?
Not starting an argument, just telling what I've seen in the past.
Maybe they had been covered in grease / copper slip???
Plenty peeps do this, mot testers are not allowed to **** about with the car being mot'd, it's mostly visual...
The truck may have been power-washed in the following 3 months..?
Not starting an argument, just telling what I've seen in the past.

This thread was started by James on the 13th Nov & carried on in a quite amicable vein for over a Month with advise being given & accepted, (it ever got humerous in places)

Then CharlesY arrives on the scene & it PLUMMETTS into total dis-array With Charles INSISTING on James NAMING THE MOT STATION & when he does Charles IMMEDIATLY puts James in touch with them ...............WHY???? He further INSISTS that the said station is BLAMELESS (which even a local Crack Addic could see that THEY ARE FAR FROM BLAMELESS)....................

ALL of the posts from the moment CharlesY posted want deleting (thats what I'd do on MY forum!!) ...All its achieved is to scare the livin **** outta James & make him DOUBT both the VERY GOOD advise he has been given & his own ability to nail the dealer to the wall.

My opinion (based on what I've read) is CharlesY has a "Hidden agenda" ( more than likley trying (BADLY) to protect his mate up the road).............

Charles ....DROP IT!!!

Wammers...You aint gonna convince CharlesY that you are correct ..(99% of the guys on here AGGREE WITH YOU).....

ALL the guys that posted in this thread are IMPARTIAL..EXCEPT CHARLESY (who has a personal connection to 1 (or More) of the protagoists).....
The brake pipe is not open to discretion it is an instant fail.


Wammers can have no idea what the pipe was like on the day of the test.

The presence of normal corrosion on the surface of a brake pipe is NOT "instant fail". ALL steel brake pipes get rust on them.

It is a matter of DEGREE, and at that stage JUDGEMENT comes into play. If the tester thinks the pipe is sound even though it's rusty, and it doesn't fail during the brake test, then he has to use his best JUDGEMENT, and he may (or may not) issue an advisory about it. He has that discretion. The MoT system makes that perfectly clear.

BUT, if the pipe is leaking, or GROSSLY corroded, it's a fail. This is where the JUDGEMENT of the tester comes to the fore.

That is why I didn't argue with that same test station when they failed my wee red van and said I should scrap it. It was a question of their judgement as regards rust and corrosion. I reckoned they knew best.

Wammers may (or he may not) know all about these matters, but he was not there on the day of the test, he has never seen the car, he has only seen photos, and it is five months and God knows only what abuse to that car later. We KNOW it has been mechanically damaged in the intervening months.

I know whose judgement my money goes on.

Sorry Wammers, you're in a bit of a hole laddie, and you should stop digging. However, I know you won't because you are an EXPERT, and you know that because you really believe you are so much smarter than any one else. You may be wrong there too, Wammers. Dd you ever consider that?

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