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I hardly think he would have a leg to stand on in court, that is a bluff. Best way he can protect his good name is to give you your money back plus any expense incured by you, then have the car crushed. What year is the vehicle?

IMO it's definately a bluff, I doubt it will get to court but if it did it would be shown without doubt that he mislead you and sold you an unroadworthy vehicle, which as a trader would get him in deep **** and when made aware of the defects by you he should have offered a full refund or repair.

Everything is stacked in your favour, like everyone says don't back down and don't let a lawyer intimidate you. If you do take a voice recorder to the meeting make sure you let them know you are recording them, otherwise you have no way of proving who the voices belong to in court.
100% aggree Tony ....It IS a BLUFF .... If this don't work out fer Jay ..perhaps You. Me & J should tek a train ride down to Finchley ...

Thanks for all you positive comments, it helps me alot.

When you are a mear pup like I am at 25, you work your nuts off to support your family, pay the bill etc and then someone screws you over it messes with your head.

FYI the above train ride sounds like a plan lol.
IMO it's definately a bluff, I doubt it will get to court but if it did it would be shown without doubt that he mislead you and sold you an unroadworthy vehicle, which as a trader would get him in deep **** and when made aware of the defects by you he should have offered a full refund or repair.

Everything is stacked in your favour, like everyone says don't back down and don't let a lawyer intimidate you. If you do take a voice recorder to the meeting make sure you let them know you are recording them, otherwise you have no way of proving who the voices belong to in court.

Good point Barmatt (about the recorder) ... best plan is to put it on the desk in front of him......Poor Sod will probs run a mile !!!! LOL!!!
Good point Barmatt (about the recorder) ... best plan is to put it on the desk in front of him......Poor Sod will probs run a mile !!!! LOL!!!

personally I would take a camcorder on a tripod and set it up pointing straight at the dealer and lawyer;):D.
Standard Dealer response, they always assume that you will be scared and walk away. You can deal with it via the small claims court yourself without a lawyer with the evidence you've got.
Any meeting, definately take someone with you and record the conversation, he probably won't stand for a camcorder tho.
Inspection carried out this, the car has been deemed as unsafe for use on the public highway!!!
OS is 5mm shorter than NS
Repairs of a poor standard to the underside
Repairs of a poor standard to the exhaust
Both rear brake lines leaking
Front diff leaking
rear main oil seal leaking
Head leaking
Rocker leaking
Both CV Gators worn and not attached
OS CV joint knackared, its bone dry and knocking
Air suspension is now collapsing within an hour of been parked up.

Informed the Trader and awaiting him to come back to me.

I don't mean to sound harsh, but all of these faults would have been present when you viewed it. Why on earth did you buy it?
Well Firstly Jay I have to say ......"DON'T BLAME YOURSELF" ....(I know its hard not to but)...Never the less you bought this "Thing" in good faith Everybody has an unwritten set of rules that they live their lives by....Unfortunatly its Huiman nature that you "place" these rules on other people (What YOU wouldn't dream of doing you EXPECT others not to do also)

Most of the time "Others" reach your rules & in some cases go way beyond what you yourself would, it is unfortunate that a small minority do not even come close to what you ( & most other decent people ) would consider "decent"

I am quite sure that the members on here that have replied to your posting (fanatic, Wammers, J, Datatek, myself & ALL the other members) are right behind you on this & will do everything we possibly can to help you out.

Just don't go doin owt daft & goin round & planting one on him (Which I must admit would MOST CERTAINLY be MY first reaction) Also don't go wanderin round the house or sittin in yer favourite armchair thinkin "I'm a loon, Good GOD what have I done"

EVERYBODY gets Shafted at sometime I know J & Wammers have & I most certainly have NOW is the time to sit calmly down & work though your plan of attack (legally)

You WILL come out of this,Your money will be returned & the Anguish your feelin now will fade.

CHIN UP Jay, we're all behind you on this one mate.


What he says, we are all human and all have had issues at some point- The important thing is to remember you entered the deal in good faith and dealer has legal responsibilities. Dealer has been nothing short of a cock, be relentless,but do not screw yourself up-will get sorted
I don't mean to sound harsh, but all of these faults would have been present when you viewed it. Why on earth did you buy it?

I would GUESS Dids that Jay bought it coz he's HUMAN ... He saw it, he liked it, it "Looked" the part & Most definatly the Trader came across as his BEST FRIEND EVER!!!

Not Knockin you Dids you were Bang on in askin the question but HEY we've ALL bin there, done that & Later gone & kicked our own Arses around the back garden fer being such a COCK!

I personally have lost count of the times I've said to myself "Oh I aint wasting 50 odd quid on an AA/RAC inspection, it'll be OK"

Only to find later when I got the damn thing home its THE biggest Crock of **** of her Majesty's Highway !!!
I would GUESS Dids that Jay bought it coz he's HUMAN ... He saw it, he liked it, it "Looked" the part & Most definatly the Trader came across as his BEST FRIEND EVER!!!

Not Knockin you Dids you were Bang on in askin the question but HEY we've ALL bin there, done that & Later gone & kicked our own Arses around the back garden fer being such a COCK!

I personally have lost count of the times I've said to myself "Oh I aint wasting 50 odd quid on an AA/RAC inspection, it'll be OK"

Only to find later when I got the damn thing home its THE biggest Crock of **** of her Majesty's Highway !!!

I haven't. Is this because I'm a higher being? No. It's because If I'm spending 5k on a car I go out of my way to make sure it is tip top, rather than impulse buying a lop sided pile of muck I'm scared to drive. The forum was here before he bought it. Bit late to be asking questions when it's sitting on it's arse on your driveway!

I was checking this site out months before I got my Discovery and I paid a fraction for that.
Woah there Dids ... I know & I AGREE with you & NO your not a "Higher Being" you have EXPERIENCE (As have I) ..Jay is only 20 odd

All I was sayin was EVERYBODY has at some time in their lives done/bought something & then got that real tight Ringpiece feeling & cold sweat along with the "Oh **** I shouldn't have done that" thought.

My Apologises if I caused offence ...NONE was intended
None taken. I just can't understand why the forum doesn't get used properly. Just telling it like it is. Chances are if he'd have asked before he bought it someone on here would have probably gone with him to look at it.
None taken. I just can't understand why the forum doesn't get used properly. Just telling it like it is. Chances are if he'd have asked before he bought it someone on here would have probably gone with him to look at it.

Or got tons of abuse and 'expert' uninformed advice telling how rubbish P38s are and that he should buy a Defender instead...
Or got tons of abuse and 'expert' uninformed advice telling how rubbish P38s are and that he should buy a Defender instead...

As an x p38 owner,fun while it lasted-but had to go.

The reason people buy from a dealer is the hope that although more expensive hopefully if not mechanically minded they can rely on dealer integrity to give them a safe motor.

We can't wind back time and hindsight is a wonderful thing, lets try to stick to helping the guy get it sorted.

If he still wants a P38 after this then we can explain the pitfall's of them and maybe someone will offer to cast an eye over his next purchase
youve only gotta watch programs like watchdog to realise we are all gulible ****s at some times in our lives, who buy on impulse or swallow the crap given to you by arthur daley type car dealers. If no one ever fell for their flannel they wouldnt be in business!!. me i dont trust no one any more ive had my fingers well and truly burnt and had the oh **** what have i done the mrs is gonna kill me feeling.

Poor jay is probably beating himself up enuff without any one else having a go at the poor lad. he certainly has my sympathies. we are a community who should stick together and help each other and not slag off peoples mistakes, remember that hindsight is a wonderfull thing, so theres no point saying you should have done this or that, he didnt now he needs help from experienced people. ( only experienced coz quite often they already been **** on themselves)

thats it my rant of the month has finished, soap box has gone back in the garage.

Good luck Jay,
My feelings for what they are worth Jay, is that he is bluffing and looking at the advice you have been given by the more experienced members
(we all learn by mistakes, therefore im guessing they too have bought a crock of **** at some point)

is sound, stand your ground and if needed employ a lawyer yourself as they way i see it is, he doesn't have a leg to stand on!good luck mate and i think i can say with confidence that the vast majority of members here are on your side pal, there will always be trolls out there don't let them get you down mate.

Good luck fella (more a pleasantry than a sentiment, i dont think you need luck, just determination)
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youve only gotta watch programs like watchdog to realise we are all gulible ****s at some times in our lives, who buy on impulse or swallow the crap given to you by arthur daley type car dealers. If no one ever fell for their flannel they wouldnt be in business!!. me i dont trust no one any more ive had my fingers well and truly burnt and had the oh **** what have i done the mrs is gonna kill me feeling.

Poor jay is probably beating himself up enuff without any one else having a go at the poor lad. he certainly has my sympathies. we are a community who should stick together and help each other and not slag off peoples mistakes, remember that hindsight is a wonderfull thing, so theres no point saying you should have done this or that, he didnt now he needs help from experienced people. ( only experienced coz quite often they already been **** on themselves)

thats it my rant of the month has finished, soap box has gone back in the garage.

Good luck Jay,

GIVE THAT MAN A BANANA!!! .....Yer a TOP MAN Rob ..EXACTLY what I was (Trying) to say
Or got tons of abuse and 'expert' uninformed advice telling how rubbish P38s are and that he should buy a Defender instead...

If you want one you'll get one. The Discovery forum is thread after thread of faults, I still bought one but was well informed of what to look for thanks to the site and my brother Rewmer when I did. I looked around for a good couple of months before parting with any cash.

As for the dealer in this transaction I'll wager he took in in PX for and X5 or similar wandered around it with a price guide in hand, decided he'd get 5k for it and put it up for sale. He's probably as surprised with the list of faults as the op was. They are mostly Tyre kicking clowns that don't know one end of a spanner to the other. You've got to check these things because they won't!
youve only gotta watch programs like watchdog to realise we are all gulible ****s at some times in our lives, who buy on impulse or swallow the crap given to you by arthur daley type car dealers. If no one ever fell for their flannel they wouldnt be in business!!. me i dont trust no one any more ive had my fingers well and truly burnt and had the oh **** what have i done the mrs is gonna kill me feeling.

Poor jay is probably beating himself up enuff without any one else having a go at the poor lad. he certainly has my sympathies. we are a community who should stick together and help each other and not slag off peoples mistakes, remember that hindsight is a wonderfull thing, so theres no point saying you should have done this or that, he didnt now he needs help from experienced people. ( only experienced coz quite often they already been **** on themselves)

thats it my rant of the month has finished, soap box has gone back in the garage.

Good luck Jay,

Well said Robp :clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2:
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