Hi guys
I have registered the unit and I've put in the two codes that are showing on my account

I have replaced the sensor inside the car

But I just don't know how to use this nanocom unit to reset the message

I dont want to start pressing buttons for the fun of it and buggering things up.

Me things I want my trooper back

You cant bu66er it up just by pressing buttons, have a look through the various menus and just x out of them.
It harder than you think to change the settings
Hi guys
I have registered the unit and I've put in the two codes that are showing on my account

I have replaced the sensor inside the car

But I just don't know how to use this nanocom unit to reset the message

I dont want to start pressing buttons for the fun of it and buggering things up.

Me things I want my trooper back

Go here http://www.nanocom-diagnostics.com/documentation.php select "download" and select and download all items relevant to your car and read them a few times. Connect the Nonocom to your computer with the USB lead and go through all the various items available until you get to know where everything is.
The alarm part is in the BECM section, IIRC. Think there is an other section in there. I tend to start it up and navigate through using "the force". I don't really know I'm doing but happy to plug mine in and talk you through over the phone if you like?

Mozz Smith is the guy who might be able to talk you through. Not sure if he's a Nanocom expert or not but he sure as hell knows how to get these damn cars going when they act up!
The alarm part is in the BECM section, IIRC. Think there is an other section in there. I tend to start it up and navigate through using "the force". I don't really know I'm doing but happy to plug mine in and talk you through over the phone if you like?

Mozz Smith is the guy who might be able to talk you through. Not sure if he's a Nanocom expert or not but he sure as hell knows how to get these damn cars going when they act up!

Ok I might take you up on that if you don't mind
I'm going to have a little play first I've also sent an email to there support guys

It's ok having these nice toys but if you can't work them or understand them your still bugged.

I couldn't see on there web site how much a bloke was to use it. But then I guess you would have the added expense of feeding him and putting a roof over his head.

But if it was a woman. Well that might be worthwhile 😘😘😘😘😘
Following from the Nanocom BECM manual. I think you have to press a WRITE SETTINGS button after changing any values to get the values in the BECM to actually change.

IMPORTANT NOTICE If the BECM goes into an ALARMED state you will notice that the
reading will be incorrect such as Language will become French and the date will be 1990
something. In this state communication is not possible and can only be resolved by either
inputting the EKA code if it is accepted or by someone who can unlock the BECM for you with
our specialist software only available on the Faultmate MSV-2 system.


Immobiliser: Turns on the passive (self) immobilize function in markets which use it.

Lazy locking: Changes the situations in which lazy locking is allowed.

1 touch: This specifies which windows have one touch functionality.

Arm/disarm: Changes the method of visual notification of alarm arming and disarming.

Alarm: The alarm can be either enabled or disabled if required. Disabling the alarm
prevents the alarm from arming and stops all audible and visual activity whenever the
vehicle is locked or unlocked. It does not affect the immobilization.

Mislock: Changes the method of notification of error on alarm arming between using the
interior light or the alarm sounder.

Alarm noise: Different markets have different options of alarm sounding when the alarm
is activated / triggered.

Sounder: Different markets have different options of alarm sounders fitted that require
different outputs from the BECM to operate. This allows correct selection.

Alarm lights: This changes the method of visual output from the BECM used for the
alarm activated / triggered.

Key warning: When enabled, the warning gong will sound continuously whilst the keys
are in the ignition and the ignition is turned off.

EKA: For the markets that do not use the Emergency Key Access (EKA) system.

Immobilisation Code: Only used on EDC and Motronic engine Management Systems
(EMS). When the ignition is turned on, the BECM, providing it is in receipt of a valid
mobilization code, from receiving an unlock signal from the correct key fob or having its
EKA code entered, and is therefore not in an alarmed or immobilised state, sends a
coded signal to the Engine Management System (EMS) ECU and in turn, the EMS ECU
then compares against a code it already has stored in it. If the two codes compare OK,
the EMS ECU allows the engine to start. This forms the basis of the immobiliser. If the
EMS ECU or the BECM is replaced, the two codes will not match and it will not be
possible to start the engine. It is therefore necessary to synchronise the codes in both the BECM and the EMS ECU. For EDC, a function can be found in the EDC section which
gives the fixed code from the EDC ECU which must be entered here. For GEMS, any
number can be used here as the GEMS ECU has a learn function located in the OTHER
section which can be used to force it to learn this code. A valid number is between 0 and

EKA number: This is the Emergency Key Access (EKA) Number for this vehicle. Only
available on unlocked BECM's (see BECM STATUS). Even if the EKA function is
disabled (see PASSIVE EKA) and therefore not used, each BECM still has a number
programmed into it. The number has to be 4 characters long, each character can be a
number between 1 and 6, and the four numbers cannot be all the same.

FOB code: For security this information is only available to be read or programmed on
unlocked BECM's (see BECM STATUS). The fob code is a 3-part code, which uniquely
identifies the family of key fobs (key 1, key 2, etc.) that go with this vehicle. Any key
Fob, when pressed, transmits its unique electronic ID code (FOB CODE) in an encrypted
format. The BECM of any vehicle within range of that key fob decrypts the received
transmission and compares the FOB CODE that was received, against the FOB CODE
that is stored here. If the two match, it will accept the key as valid and perform the
relevant task (lock, unlock, send mobilize signal to engine ECU, etc). This FOB CODE is
derived from converting the manufacturer's Bar Set Lock code. This is a 14 digit
alphanumeric number, which is printed on a label that accompanies every new key fob or
lockset. When the vehicle was assembled at the factory and was first fitted with its new
lock set, the Bar set lock code was recorded along with the vehicles VIN number; this
can be obtained from your local dealership by quoting the Vehicle's VIN number. If the
bar set lock code given by the dealer is no longer correct for the vehicle (due to an
earlier replacement of the lockset and where the kept records were not updated), there is then no alternative but to replace the lockset and use the bar set lock code that comes with it. When you have the bar set lock code, do not attempt to enter this directly, but give this to the help desk who will then convert the bar set lock code into a the 3-part

FOB CODE. This FOB CODE is then entered here. The FOB CODE can only be
obtained by this method.
So, assuming the language etc all checks out OK in the BECM module then I'd try disabling the alarm and the immobiliser and then lock and unlock on the fob and then see what happens.

Which engine was it? The diesel?
Hi Grrrrr
Over the weekend I will have a play I will disable the alarm and the immobiliser and see what happens

I have played around with the unit plugged into the wall

It seams like a very good tool if you know how to use it. Like every thing

I just don't like changing values on things that I have no knowledge on.
Hi there all
Today I had a play with this nanocom unit
I had this message come up


I cleared the error turned off the unit and turned it back on but the same message came up

I don't know what this means?

But the original (alarm fault ) message has gone ...... For now

Anyone know what this message means?
Hi there all
Today I had a play with this nanocom unit
I had this message come up

View attachment 67788

I cleared the error turned off the unit and turned it back on but the same message came up

I don't know what this means?

But the original (alarm fault ) message has gone ...... For now

Anyone know what this message means?

Means the BECM has received the correct code from the Fob.
Ow ok that's cool I guess. I hope this (alarm fault) message has gone for good? 🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝
Ow ok that's cool I guess. I hope this (alarm fault) message has gone for good? 🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝🐝

You will get used to it as time goes on. Just go through all systems and read faults for a start before you start playing with things like utilites, settings Etc. Look at them by all means but change nothing until you are more conversant with what everything does. Good luck.
I just don't like changing values on things that I have no knowledge on.

Nor do I. That's why I keep asking stupid questions on here just to make sure I'm not going to totally cock it up!

If it puts your mind at rest, I lent my unit to my brother and he pressed every damn button and setting and still failed to cock his car up.
Write to an sd card. I haven't got that far yet.

I've had a play looking at the fault codes
I've had a code about the rear air suspension not getting the right height or something and also something about the pollen motor?

I've just cleared both message and see if they come back in?

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