That's the one. Thank you.
Things aren't that great. Wife left me. Which is good but she took my three year old boy which is not good. Saw him for the first time in weeks last Saturday I can only see him every other Saturday for a day
That's not good. They all go bonkers after childbirth. Every other Saturday is a start. Hopefully it will become more as he becomes more independent. Make sure you're the reasonable one. Kids don't like people criticising their parents.
That's the one. Thank you.
Things aren't that great. Wife left me. Which is good but she took my three year old boy which is not good. Saw him for the first time in weeks last Saturday I can only see him every other Saturday for a day

Get in touch with Fathers 4 Justice for advice on legal action. They'll also let you know of any local Mackenzie Friends who'll help you with advice and go with you to court, for free.
thanks guys for your support.
I have my solicitor on the case, I just have to play the waiting game until I can get the bitch into court.
I knew I should not have plugged her into the nanocom unit and played around with the settings
thanks guys for your support.
I have my solicitor on the case, I just have to play the waiting game until I can get the bitch into court.
I knew I should not have plugged her into the nanocom unit and played around with the settings

Yep, playing around was the cause of your problems! Can only suggest a re-boot, repeatedly.

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