Fri 22 Jul:

Received a call from the day manager of driver assist this afternoon saying that the paper work was with the third party's insurance. Seemingly it has been there for two weeks! I asked the manager why it was taking so long and she said that it may be a few more weeks before the money is released. I asked the manager for the name and number of the manager of the third party's insurance company but to no avail. However, she did say that she would get in touch with them and get back to me - no reply today!!!!!

This is never ending - I'm starting to hate insurance companies.

I can't wait to put the letter of complaint in when this is all over.

So sorry this is dragging on

When it comes to the complaint, remember to mention the Financial Ombudsman Service - it costs the firm about £200 if you contact FOS whether or not they decide in your favour, so most firms are keen to resolve things rather than have customers go down that route
Mon 25th update:

Received a call from the manager of the brokers first thing this morning. He's been on holiday for two weeks. I explained my fustration with the lack of payment and asked if it is worth informing the Financial Ombudsman Service. He said he would gee-up driver assist and would get back to me by first thing Wednesday.

Within 10mins the manager of driver assist called saying that they had got in touch with the third party's insurance company and that they would sort the issue within 72hrs. Once again I mentioned the Financial Ombudsman Service - that seemed to put the fear of god into them (nice one SH).

I said to both partyies that the cheque should be sent via personal courier direct to me in order to hurry the process along - you never know.
Fingers crossed for you Pal

It's a pain, but relentless persistence really is the only way - together with some credible 'threats'
bloody hell, how long has it taken, and you still havent actually got any money! what is happening with your renewal?
Wed 27th update:

The managers of Driver Assist and the brokers called today saying that the cheque is in the post!!!!!

My renewal will be adjusted back to what it should be tomorrow.

There will be no record of write off or salvage.

Well being a synical sod, after the last 5 weeks of lies and willful obstruction, I'll give them a few days rest from my calls to see if they can come good.
Wed 27th update:

The managers of Driver Assist and the brokers called today saying that the cheque is in the post!!!!!

My renewal will be adjusted back to what it should be tomorrow.

There will be no record of write off or salvage.

Well being a synical sod, after the last 5 weeks of lies and willful obstruction, I'll give them a few days rest from my calls to see if they can come good.

If the cheque really is in the post then thats a big result for you. It shows that if you stick with it eventually you can get a reasonable deal out of insurance companies. It's just a shame you have to wade through so much crap to get the service you pay a lot of money for each year via your premiums.
fokin hell!!

what a master piece of a thread!! excellent news on getting the cheque in the post..

and what a contribution from Shifty!! excellent advice... this should be put up as a sticky
Wed 27th update:

The managers of Driver Assist and the brokers called today saying that the cheque is in the post!!!!!

My renewal will be adjusted back to what it should be tomorrow.

There will be no record of write off or salvage.

Well being a synical sod, after the last 5 weeks of lies and willful obstruction, I'll give them a few days rest from my calls to see if they can come good.

thats good news! no record of write off is a big bonus too! did you have to ask for that? what a bloody ball ache! at least you didnt just settle for what they offered like most people do! well done fella.
Thu 28th update:

Well the engineers report arrived today. It states that the vehicle suffered minor rear end damage but is judged to be a write off due to requiring specialist repair. However, the covering letter states that the owner has sourced specialist help at a cost which makes the vehicle repairable.

The landy is currently at a garage being rechassised (?) as we speak. The well known garage will provide a detailed account of the work carried out. In addition the landy will be getting re-moted when they've finished; just to prove that it has been returned to the condition it was in prior to being hit.

When the cheque arrives the compensation (for expenses) and renewal quote will be getting discussed.
that's great mate,glad to hear you getting to the end if it now,good luck and stay safe bud.
Tue 2nd August:

The cheque has arrived:D

Tomorrow my additional costs letter is in the post.

My insurance quote still stands at a ridiculus amount but, according to the manager of the brokers, it will go to its normal amount once my records have been altered to say that the case is closed.

The landy is now on a nice shiny chassis!!!!!:clap2:

I'll get some picks on soon and write a summary of recommendations for all.
Top man! Result that never would have been gained had you not persevered! Well done, you deserve your nice shiny chassis!
Chalk another one up for the under dog! Well done mate.
Its all about knowing your rights and playing them at their own game.
You'll be afraid to leave it anywhere now.
Keep all the bills and take lots of piccies just in case.
Want to sell it ?:p
Thanks guys, as you adviced I've got the original engineer's report, incident management's report and a detailed letter from the rebuild company including a new MOT. The incident is not recorded or stated anywhere. I've just pened a letter claiming my expenses back.

The landy is brill and I'm not out of pocket.

Thanks again.

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