Yes Semara is at the bottom of the map, it doesn't come out when I tried to print it but comes out on my screen when enlarged. Sounds Great. I'm still trying to get to grips with my Toughbook and Bascamp. Think I'm going to end up in your smoke screen again as I'm not making much progress.
Just got a Samsung Note3 10.1 and tried to download maps and it says something like - no you can't do this dangerous alert - what the h--- does that mean.
Just got a Samsung Note3 10.1 and tried to download maps and it says something like - no you can't do this dangerous alert - what the h--- does that mean.

I've got a Samsung Galaxy Tab4 and I'm struggling to get my preferred maps on there in an app that I can also load my routes and tracks to. Ideally I would like to couple it to my Garmin Montana as an extension of the screen but haven't worked out how to do that yet either.
I have just downloaded Soviet Military Maps Pro which gives off line access to what are probably the best topo maps of Morocco (and many other places) and will also let you upload .gpx files. Looking forward to having a play with it on my next trip.

"Edit" Just been having a play and it does give access to open source maps as well. They are not quite as detailed as the maps I usually use in Maroc but they seem to have many of the pistes covered in detail and also seem able to route along them as well.
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I've got a Samsung Galaxy Tab4 and I'm struggling to get my preferred maps on there in an app that I can also load my routes and tracks to. Ideally I would like to couple it to my Garmin Montana as an extension of the screen but haven't worked out how to do that yet either.
I have just downloaded Soviet Military Maps Pro which gives off line access to what are probably the best topo maps of Morocco (and many other places) and will also let you upload .gpx files. Looking forward to having a play with it on my next trip.

"Edit" Just been having a play and it does give access to open source maps as well. They are not quite as detailed as the maps I usually use in Maroc but they seem to have many of the pistes covered in detail and also seem able to route along them as well.
Its a Tab3 - got Mapsource and Olaf on Laptop as well as Track4africa, but unable to transfer to Android system so think I will have to get the Garman Basecamp that Mike talks about for the tablet then pay again for Tracks4africa if I can find a way of getting the system to let me download.
I personally wouldn't bother with Tracks4Africa unless you're heading to Southern Africa. There is more out there for free (or a voluntary donation) than paid for on T4A. Garmin Basecamp compatible maps from (doesn't seem to be working at the moment, hopefully only temporary) and loads of tracks and ideas for routes here here and here
I do enjoy the planning almost as much as the traveling though, so am quite happy trawling forums and google earth for new routes and places to visit.
I personally wouldn't bother with Tracks4Africa unless you're heading to Southern Africa. There is more out there for free (or a voluntary donation) than paid for on T4A. Garmin Basecamp compatible maps from (doesn't seem to be working at the moment, hopefully only temporary) and loads of tracks and ideas for routes here here and here
I do enjoy the planning almost as much as the traveling though, so am quite happy trawling forums and google earth for new routes and places to visit.
Thanks for info - yes Track4africa expensive and does not provide a comprehensive set of tracks for Morocco - but off to Namibia/Botswana in May with the 110 being shipped by container to Walvis Bay.
Thanks for info - yes Track4africa expensive and does not provide a comprehensive set of tracks for Morocco - but off to Namibia/Botswana in May with the 110 being shipped by container to Walvis Bay.
Ah! T4A may well be worth it down that way. My partner is not so keen on overland travel but she does love the idea of Botswana, ever since reading, then watching The Number 1 Ladies Detective Agency. Working hard on sorting a trip for the not too distant future where I get to drive there, she can fly in for a few weeks then I get to drive home. The long way obviously :) Trying to get some of our more regular bike trip customers involved, either by shipping bikes out somewhere or riding down to Gambia, leaving the bikes there for a few months and flying in a new crew to ride them back. I then get paid for at least part of the trip as support truck driver.
osmAND for android is a really cool one. You can download upto 10 maps for free, or download your own from openstreemsaps and upload them.
We used osmAND on a little HTC Desire last time in morocco and it served us very well if i remember rightly :)
OSM maps are more up to date than most other since it's mainly user updated. When we used it, it had the little tracks over the tops of them mountains that weren't on the printed maps nor on the other gps gizmos that folk had.
Was probably the best day driving we had:)
It works off line too.. think you can also upload POI's and waypoints etc.

osmAND for android is a really cool one. You can download upto 10 maps for free, or download your own from openstreemsaps and upload them.
We used osmAND on a little HTC Desire last time in morocco and it served us very well if i remember rightly :)
OSM maps are more up to date than most other since it's mainly user updated. When we used it, it had the little tracks over the tops of them mountains that weren't on the printed maps nor on the other gps gizmos that folk had.
Was probably the best day driving we had:)
It works off line too.. think you can also upload POI's and waypoints etc.


Thanks Adam, just downloaded the free version and at first play it looks like it could be quite useful, especially if I can upload my preferred OSM maps (see link in previous post).
Im officially lost on all this mapping talk, I'll stick to oily things, nuts and bolts and worrying about tire pressures
Im officially lost on all this mapping talk, I'll stick to oily things, nuts and bolts and worrying about tire pressures
You think you got problems, I'm lost on oily things also. Just follow me following the others. I had a nice time last time. No idea where I had been but it was great. As for my navigator!! He wandered why he couldn't find the way to Malaga. He was still on the Morocco map.
I have a paper Morocco map with our last trip detailed on it with what day we stopped marked on it.
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Thanks Adam - as Garman disappointingly does not seem compatible with the Android system osmAND could be the answer. Now I need to find some sort of mount for the tablet - how are you going to mount your Toughbook Mike.
Hi, Mr N.
We've been watching developments of your plans for a couple of months, as suggested.
We'll be leaving Portsmouth on the same ferry as you on 18 March, heading for Algeciras to catch the Monday boat. After that, I think our itineraries diverge. We're heading southeast to the Rekkam plateau, Figuig and then southwest along the border. While we'll be covering the same tracks as you've discussed down to Western Sahara eventually, we've planned a linked network of pistes that'll take us pretty much all the way down there with minimum tarmac, partly courtesy of a helpful Belgian group we met in March who donated their notes.
That's our plan, anyway. This might change if the weather wrecks the bridges like this year. See you at the docks :). If your plans change, I'll pick up the drift on the forum and maybe we can RV somewhere. At the moment, we're solo.
Cool, being seeing you at Portsmouth, the first day on the Monday in to Tanger Med and then some of us are heading to Marrakesh that day.
Bought new rear springs and gas shocks plus some helper springs today, the Land Rover shocks I fitted last year on the rear have died, one is stiff, the other one has no rubber bushes left as its taken a real battering, never noticed until a few days ago, slightly annoying as they were from a LR main dealer who said they were heavy duty spec, I guess not that heavy duty.

Spent a few hours today with a airline blow gun blasting the remains of the dust and sand out of the cab and I hereby now pronounce my cab sand a dust free, kind of.
Discovered another rear end bit of damage too, not exactly a devastating bit of damage, but the little lip on the inside of my rear panel that is used to bolt the mud flap bracket has a fracture in it, where the mudflap was bent back and forth and hammered with fist sized pebbles, so that was repaired today also.

Its nearly a full time job keeping on top of things, I know, I'm anal.
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Bought new rear springs and gas shocks plus some helper springs today, the Land Rover shocks I fitted last year on the rear have died, one is stiff, the other one has no rubber bushes left as its taken a real battering, never noticed until a few days ago, slightly annoying as they were from a LR main dealer who said they were heavy duty spec, I guess not that heavy duty.

Spent a few hours today with a airline blow gun blasting the remains of the dust and sand out of the cab and I hereby now pronounce my cab sand a dust free, kind of.
Discovered another rear end bit of damage too, not exactly a devastating bit of damage, but the little lip on the inside of my rear panel that is used to bolt the mud flap bracket has a fracture in it, where the mudflap was bent back and forth and hammered with fist sized pebbles, so that was repaired today also.

Its nearly a full time job keeping on top of things, I know, I'm anal.

Think I had better have a good look at my Shocks. I bought ProComp which people on here say are rubbish. They have been on there for about three years and survived one trip to Morocco. They seem fine, but I'm wandering if I should change them before the next trip. As for the springs, I still have I believe the original springs from 1990. They look a bit rusty but seem fine.
Your Procomps are gas, so are still probably in good shape, standard LR shocks are oil, gas shocks don't get as hot as oil ones. People kept telling me how good the Britpart Super Gaz shocks are so that is what I bought.
I can spin my rubber bushes around by hand on the bottom of each rear shock.
Your Procomps are gas, so are still probably in good shape, standard LR shocks are oil, gas shocks don't get as hot as oil ones. People kept telling me how good the Britpart Super Gaz shocks are so that is what I bought.
I can spin my rubber bushes around by hand on the bottom of each rear shock.
I had Polybushes fitted, they were Paddocks ones and have been on there for five years now and still OK.

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