Anybody know what the size of the fuel tank is on a 110? I haven't had it less than 1/4 full yet, so I haven't had to fill it from empty, but I don't think it's that big, maybe 65 litres?
Just pottering around I am getting about 200/230 miles from half a tank.

Just planning storage and was enquiring on how much fuel you guys carry in cans 80-100 litres did I read somewhere?

75l I think.

I have both tanks in mine, which comes to 110l and with some rough calculations comes to 600 miles per fillup.

I am also going to take 2 jerry cans too I think, then when fuel is cheap I can get loads!

should then be able to do 800 miles between fillups, but I think that is overkill.
Ive got over 80 litres in the disco tank and ill probably carry another 2 jerry cans which will give me well over 600 miles :) plenty I should think.
The guy i bought my 110 from said he used to get 460 miles on a tank, but that was road driving, so I will plan in 4 x 20 litre cans, I haven't looked up the route that Ken sent as regards to fuelling points and how far apart they might be.
The guy i bought my 110 from said he used to get 460 miles on a tank, but that was road driving, so I will plan in 4 x 20 litre cans, I haven't looked up the route that Ken sent as regards to fuelling points and how far apart they might be.

No, nor me.

The last trip they did said that you needed to be able to do 500 miles unaided.
if you need more than a fuel tank full you are very lost.We got round without filling the jerry cans and only filled them for the trip home.
Aussie version is a black 3" tube full of water on the roof with a shower fitting. Boom instant hot water (add a couple hoirs morrocan sunlight.)
I'm not moaning!! Just suggested 19 days in a defender may be more pleasant if we had a chance to get clean every so often.
I think I am either going to get one of the black bag ones, or a shower head I can fit onto a water carrier. Then put it on the roof.

I don't really care, but Sarah is moaning about wanting to be clean, or something crazy like that...[/QUOTE

I took two 30 litre plastic Jerry cans of water with the intention of dropping the shower into the containers. I lost most of the water on the first day going over the rough terrain. The plastic containers were not up to the job. They had a tap at the bottom which I thought would be good but ended up opening with all the bumps etc. We ended up in campsites fairly regularly. Plenty of wipes might come in handy and a wash in a bowl of water which can be had inside a tent.
A shower each day sounds great but to be honest I don't recall being uncomfortable, I think it might be because it is a dry heat and dusty. Anyway sat in the middle of the desert, I don't think too many people will complain of BO.

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