Depends how wide the metal bar is? If its less than 1 1/4" inch it might. I would give Thunderpole a cal or email them and send a copy of the pic of the roof rack

Hmm, I think it is wider than that. I would guess at about 2-3".

I will send an email and ask them.

Look what just came :)

Them wolf boxes look good, I think I'll get about 6 of them for Larry.

Anyway chaps you only have about 14 week to go now so I should imaging your tweaking the cars and making them run really well.

Have fun take loads of pictures and video's and remember a warm sleeping bag....

Oh and Mike the external speaker for the CB as well ;-)
Them wolf boxes look good, I think I'll get about 6 of them for Larry.

Anyway chaps you only have about 14 week to go now so I should imaging your tweaking the cars and making them run really well.

Have fun take loads of pictures and video's and remember a warm sleeping bag....

Oh and Mike the external speaker for the CB as well ;-)
Cheapest place I found them was £25 each, but there is an £18 delivery charge. Was overnight though.

14 weeks?! I have a lot to do then! Main thing is the clunk when I let the clutch out too fast.

Has anyone booked tickets yet?
Them wolf boxes look good, I think I'll get about 6 of them for Larry.

Anyway chaps you only have about 14 week to go now so I should imaging your tweaking the cars and making them run really well.

Have fun take loads of pictures and video's and remember a warm sleeping bag....

Oh and Mike the external speaker for the CB as well ;-)

I got an external speaker for the CB about a week after we got back, plus a one meter ariel and a SWR meter to tune it all in. Unfortunately it looks like I will not be able to make this trip due to family commitments which were arranged before. I was hoping to juggle them around. So I will have to wait about one year and 14 weeks before the next trip.
I got an external speaker for the CB about a week after we got back, plus a one meter ariel and a SWR meter to tune it all in. Unfortunately it looks like I will not be able to make this trip due to family commitments which were arranged before. I was hoping to juggle them around. So I will have to wait about one year and 14 weeks before the next trip.

Oh, that is a shame :(

Tell them Morocco is more important!
Cheapest place I found them was £25 each, but there is an £18 delivery charge. Was overnight though.

14 weeks?! I have a lot to do then! Main thing is the clunk when I let the clutch out too fast.

Has anyone booked tickets yet?
Spain/Morocco tickets you don't need to reserve until about a week before. I reserved the tickets last time over the phone and we picked them up on the Sunday to sail on the Monday.
Nearer the time you can fill out your travel documents for Morocco on line.
Administration des Douanes et Impts Indirects
Keep copies also.
It is also good to have a few photo copies of your Vehicle log book and some copies of your passport details. I think I took about five copies of each. They come in handy at the ports both going and returning. And also if you get stopped by any Army patrols. Its all very friendly and they do appreciate it.
On your return there will be lots of ticket touts on the road to the port trying to sell you tickets, best avoid them. Also at the port on your return there will be loads of guys trying to help you and claim you have to pay them ignore them. One guy claimed I had to pay €20 tax which was bull****. They try it on all the time.
I will keep following the post on here in case I can swing it.
The other thing to think about is travel insurance/breakdown cover etc.
Breakdown cover for Morocco? Or mainland Europe? Shame you cant come Mike. I havent booked the ferry yet, but I do so in the next month or so.
Breakdown cover for Morocco? Or mainland Europe? Shame you cant come Mike. I havent booked the ferry yet, but I do so in the next month or so.

The other guys from 2014 will probably chip in here. I had breakdown cover which was covered on my normal French insurance. Covered me for breakdown and relay back to home.
we got Europe cover with our insurance from Adrian Flux but couldn't get breakdown cover for Morocco.See you in 2016 Mike
We Brits could not get breakdown cover for Morocco, Mike did because he is a closet Frog and because he is on Frog Insurance they covered him there. Something to do with the French having owned Morocco.

Our breakdown cover was each other, and it was needed once, or twice, or three times on the 90.

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