Ah a keen eye for the underside of a vehicle - hope you are keeping very well Charlie - don't tell Mr P !. Have you decided to come along too - as long as you borrow the right kind of vehicle.
Ah a keen eye for the underside of a vehicle - hope you are keeping very well Charlie - don't tell Mr P !. Have you decided to come along too - as long as you borrow the right kind of vehicle.

The Welsh Dragon gave it away.
I’d love to go, but I’m off to Iceland with Mr P in July so cannot get the time off work…..
What do you mean “right kind of vehicle”, BTW I did have a Disco briefly……. but it was only briefly.
The time seems to be creeping up quickly. I hope it doesn't pass so quick when we are out there enjoying ourselves.
i wish the time would slow down in Yorkshire,we have so much to do.What are peoples thoughts on food,what are they taking or buying on route?
I don't have any refrigeration so I will be looking at taking tin food, rice and pasta's.
In France you can get quiet a good selection of tin or jars of veg and meats which don't taste too bad. I found the tin food in the UK was disgusting.
I'm working on taking two weeks supply's but will use local restaurants and buy fresh food when available. I will be taking a BBQ and lots of bottled water. My concern is how to keep the beer cool.
Restaurants - hope you have a strong stomach and like chicken or camel - as Charlie will know I stay well clear and prefer the open desert.
Happy to go with the flow, open dessert or restaurant. You should be able to get a good couscous or Tajine or Kefta somewhere along the route or buy some fresh meat for a BBQ. If you BBQ it well enough it should kill off most of the bugs. And as long as you have plenty of toilet paper on board and a large shovel.

Anyone have any experience of the above. Or do you have any other suggestions. I don't want to spend big bucks but would like something that will keep the beers cool.

You want one with a compressor ! Yes they are expensive our 60l Waeco cost over £600 but it's been one of the best travel investments that we have made.

Not just for beer, warm water tastes like **** and don't under estimates how much of that you will be drinking !

Best advice we were ever given for Morocco was get a Fridge & http://www.amazon.co.uk/Camping-Mar...392557254&sr=8-2&keywords=camping+Guide+Maroc but it's in French !!
Oddly we have a cheapo Campingaz and it works, we've had it a few years and its on in the car and takes the beer well below ambient. Not sure you need a £600 fridge. Our food will be dried or canned. Or, spirits, works quicker and takes up less space, hick.
Oddly we have a cheapo Campingaz and it works, we've had it a few years and its on in the car and takes the beer well below ambient. Not sure you need a £600 fridge. Our food will be dried or canned. Or, spirits, works quicker and takes up less space, hick.

£600 fridge is a 60 litres for 4 adults & sprog that go to Morocco and else where every summer. You can get smaller ones a lot cheaper than that.

Met a guy with his family year before last on the ferry to Tanger that had no Fridge or cooler, was intending on doing it "Berber Style" with a bottle of water wrapped in a damp clothe , needless to say he ended up in Hotels every night !
we have a fridge (if it works)so my beer will be ok,Adam drinks red wine so that can stay in the sun and wind.As for food chicken or camel BBQ is ok by us.As for tinned food bring on the spam.We are happy with open desert/bbq eating but also want to eat in local restaurants .Not only is this a holiday to us but we want to enjoy and experience Morocco.

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