
Active Member
Just feeling the water a little to see if anyone would be interested in a trip to Morocco departing the UK on Friday the 11th April 2014, travelling through France and Spain into Morroco and back home (mechanical failure permitting) on the 27th April.

In Morrocco the trip will be into the Atlas, south west to the deserts then back up and home.

This is a bank holiday trip so only 8 days will be needed off work, that is for us Mon-Fri peeps.

This is a bit of a dash down there and back, so I know it won't be everyone's kettle of fish. But if your interested let me know.
We're going on those dates too. Count us in.

We attempted this this year but had head gasket failure on departure day, hasten to add we're keen to do it agian!
I think I have one of my mates interested as well, so hopefully that 3. I'll start working on the route, I'll get some suggestions up so we can discuss it. First problem will be where to cross to Morocco, apparently its variable in times of customs and queues.
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Lads I would be interested in that too!! Would yous mind if I tagged along!? Was trying to get some mates interested in a trip to the Pyrenees next April but no luck, iv done a lot of offroad and a lot of green laning but never abroad

I think the more the merrier, as long as its a Land Rover. I'll PM everyone when we have a few together and we can work on the details. It's only 7 months away and that will come up pretty quick.

I have however been checking a few things out, it seems we do not need for Morocco a Carnet de Passages, although I'll double check this, it seems an international driving license is recommended, not mandatory.

Also, I'm going to check my insurance, they are having enough issues with my modifications, let along going to Morocco, so I'd recommend you check you covered to go out of Europe.

I'll be getting some Ferry options from France - Morocco or Spain-Morocco, it will probably be the latter, I should have these within two weeks, it seems depending on which route you go the hassle value changes.

I was going to give us 3 days to get from England to Morocco (arriving in Morocco on the Tuesday afternoon). This would mean departing on the Friday night about 7pm. Camping just outside Calais then a start on Saturday.

It's about 1,200 miles to the crossing to Morocco, or 400 a day. If you want to do things like the Picos de Europe we will need to add a little time onto the journey to the crossing. I'm completely flexible with this and will go with the flow.

Quick question though, I'm lucky I live on the south coast so getting the the ferries is easy for me. Looking at the replies I've had it seems some people are a little further away from the ports. So where about do you guys want to cross, I normally do Dover-Calais on the Tunnel which is about £155 return, if you want to do another route I'm game.

Just let me know what you would prefer then we can work it out. However, I have done the trip to Bilbao and Santander before and I don't think its worth the cost, and you bypass all that wine in France, and the cheese. But again I'll go with whatever the group wants.

One word of warning though, I'm going with an Australian mate of mine, he has travelled the world, and I had not idea how he has done it, he is completely useless. Be warned.

I'm all excited now, it should be a blast.

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Hi all,

Crossing from Spain to Morocco i would go from Tarifa to Tangier-Med, cost is about £65 per car one way if i remember correctly.

There's also a customs vehicle form that you need to complete, you can either do it on the ferry or complete it online first and take it with you. It basically says you intend to leave Morocco with the car and not leave / sell it as you will be stung for lots of money.

Regarding insurance, not many, if any UK insurance companies will cover you for Morroco. You can get insurance in Tanger-Med port, costs are about 60-80 Euros for a month if i remember correctly.

It's also worth checking travel insurance too, off-roading in Morocco is not normally covered and extraction to a hospital is definately not covered. Specalist insurance costs about £15 for two weeks.

I'll try and find all the links to the relevant sites and post them up.. if i can.

So it should be a real hoot if we can get a few cars going.

Cheers guys
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Any port works for me. Am west of london. My thougts on ferrys would be the longer ones less driving but am easy.

Am trying to get a few friends to come as well


Ok so the crossing is Tarifa to Tangier-Med then, still a debate on the UK crossing but we can sort that out when we know where people are coming from. If this crossing a turn up and pay or is it one to pay in advance?

The on-line customs for is described here in detail here, this guys website really has a lot of info for the trip.

It looks like there's 3 definite Landy's and some possible at the moment so lets see how it goes, I guess when we book the UK crossing is when we will have the actual numbers.
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This is a bit frustrating, my girlfriend parked my Disco into a tree last night so I get to see them morning exactly how much damage has been done. grrrr.
We're doing the Pyrenees next month as a warm up if anybody want to come. But would also be interested in Morocco in April. Keep me posted if you can & I'll come. Was gonna do it this year but my 110 is not fully ready.
My Disco is going to be re-built over the next couple of week, Morocco is still on in April.

Will probably get serious and get everyone together via email in December.

I have just about stripped the front down now I'm going to finish it this weekend drilling out the spot welds and cutting out the knackered bits, before putting the replacement parts on it when I get back from France in a couple of weeks. I need to get a MIG and practice as well.

It needed;

Complete NS inner & outer wing
Front NS light and half the slam plate
Lights fittings etc

I think all is good with the lump and the chassis looks ok, the rad and intercooler were pushed back a few inches but no leaks. It will be back soon, I'll need it for winter, the smart car is ****e in snow.

Sounds like we have 5-7 Landies going now :)
Hi SpaceDawg

Would it be ok for me and my good mate Ginin to tag along on your Expedition?? We would be traveling down in a 110 from Scotland and happy to go with the flow....
I could do with another trip to Morocco in April and would be willing to offer any help. I suggest the sand dunes near Zagora rather than Chebbi and the beach run at Tan-Tan.
Ok Oldun, at this rate its seriously going to be quite a trip, I think that's 10 possibles.....

Any suggestions on the route will be great.

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