
New Member
I have been following gavbriggs/boydy38 concerning key sync etc.
I have similar problem , again 2002 p38 out of action for 2 wks, super locked, flat battery on return opened door with key, tried ignition charged batt. press remote or enter EAC. on message cent.
I did this (properly from hand book) 4 lft then code then 1rgt NOTHING, not a thing. I retried still nothing, I even entered the wrong code still nothing, this has gone on for 2 days. I disconected battery for 30mins key code lockout on mess.cen. retried code -nothing

I suspected that the micro switches are not working on the lock mech. as the damn thing doesn't appear to register that i'm entering the code.
or could it be something else? anyway I have the lock off now what do I test to what to find if switches are ok

yes the batteries are ok in fob.

help me gavbriggs you may be my only hope.
just had the exact same problem, and im not out of the woods yet mate. i also removed my latch, gave it a quick clean up, wd40, and i could hear the microswitches operating when i moved the key lock arm on the latch. so i took it back to the car, plugged it back in, held it in my hand and operated the arm as if it was the key code going in, making sure i made good solid moves so the microswitches worked. took a few goes but i got it right in the end. put everything back together and it was o.k. got a new problem now, simillar story, but a new thread.
hope this helps, and good luck.
Thanks kong but already been down the wd40 route, would it not be unusual for both switches to go ? do you get anything on the Mess.cent. when entering the code. I know nothing.

At least I am not alone.
i thought it would be unusual aswell, but mine wouldnt recognise the first four unlocks to start the whole process, until i held it and did it with my hand. once you get it to accept the first four unlocks, your indicators flash with each unlock, then, look inside between your speedo and rev counter, where you see the symbol for your lights being turned on. this symbol is what flashes with each turn of your key when entering your eka code.
has anyone tried this.if the car is locked put the key in the lock turn the key to unlock position and hold it for 10 seconds but at the same time press and hold the unlock button on the remote.ive done this a few times on mine and it works,ive never used the eka yet;)
your lucky andy, i've tried combinations a complete idiot wouldnt even bother trying on mine, and i still cant re-sync my key. its got good batteries aswell!
i know the process for key re-sync in the handbook is crap,as it never worked for me,ive always had to press hold the button down and unlock/lock at the same time and hold it in that posistion for about 10 seconds to get mine to work
I have been following gavbriggs/boydy38 concerning key sync etc.
I have similar problem , again 2002 p38 out of action for 2 wks, super locked, flat battery on return opened door with key, tried ignition charged batt. press remote or enter EAC. on message cent.
I did this (properly from hand book) 4 lft then code then 1rgt NOTHING, not a thing. I retried still nothing, I even entered the wrong code still nothing, this has gone on for 2 days. I disconected battery for 30mins key code lockout on mess.cen. retried code -nothing

I suspected that the micro switches are not working on the lock mech. as the damn thing doesn't appear to register that i'm entering the code.
or could it be something else? anyway I have the lock off now what do I test to what to find if switches are ok

yes the batteries are ok in fob.

help me gavbriggs you may be my only hope.

i didn't notice you following me!!!!

have you followed the procedure on rangerovers.net? this seems to be the most accurate and clear!

i have no idea what to 'test' as such but if you can plug the mech in to the car and then mess with it. operating fob and the little lever on it etc to see if anything is hapening? when i did this i set the alarm off on numerous occaisions.

if the alarms going off and other doors are locking/unlocking then the mech is working.

if you take off the cover of the mech then you can see the little motors go round when you lock/unlock with fob.

again if this is happening then it should be working. put it all back together and perform the sequence. at this point it may be worth getting someone else to have a go as you may be getting frustrated!

to sync the fob you need to press a button then open/lock car with key. i think on the 2002 the key auto syncs in the ignition?

also try turning the door lock with the key fob button pressed and then the other way with the other button pressed. i think you have to hold for 5 secs each way!.

let us know how you get on and it may be worth leaving the door card off for the time being!
Thanks guys, I know by now my becm is very alarmed, I think this should give me plenty to go on with for now on a cold sunday in newcastle.
I am going out there at 10.30 I may be some time.
Right I'm back after much messing about and interfering with my mechanism at last ABSOLUTELY NOTHING so I have stripped the lock into many pieces.

I have found that there are 3 micro switches in one small unit, there are 4 wires ,red, white, blue (very patriotic) and black the white feeds the cil switch the blue and red feed the switches from the key mech. if you run a continuity test across wires to black you get a reading until you depress the respective switch, unless its the red one which is BROKEN.

Ha thats got to be it, hasn't it , the switch does work now and again but not often enough to allow me to enter the code. Maybe that might explain why , once in a blue moon,the door locks used to drop then raise whilst driving.

Anyway I'm convinced so its a new switch pack for me or a lock mech. if I absolutely have to ( anyone got a cheap one thats guaranteed to work)

Can I just say I'm so exited that I may be right iv'e actually wet myself. hehe and I'm 38.
Don't know if u got it sorted yet "HOBBLE" , if not follow the advice of GAVBRIGGS . I found the "RANGEROVERS. NET" site very clear to follow (thats a 1st for me ) especially if u ate getting " ENGINE DISABLED " up on the display, good luck !!!

Thats it boys, the rangey is back, as suspected the red wire microswitch in the offside door latch was duff (its a cherry microswitch, now obsolete, so cant be bought separately) so consequently a new latch was purchased @ £117.00 + vat less 20% because of a cock up over delivery, it was fitted and after entering the EKA by the hand book it worked, it started, it runs, how brilliant is that, you will have to excuse me I am more than a little happy.

I have even managed to sync. the no.2 fob which I havnt been able to do since I changed the batteries 2 years ago, so the problem must have been around then I think.
Also I read on rangerovers.net that someone had problems with sill locks popping up and down, which was a problem I had, a new latch cured his problem so hopefully nothing else will ever go wrong again.

That just leaves me to thank all who had input, its great to know that you're not alone when you are at your most frustrated and that somebody else in the world is suffering in abject misery at the hands of a LANDROVER.

Hi guys i,m a new member and having problems with my alarm/immobiliser new battery,s in fob still will not work, tried to open with the key no joy at all, alarm goes off and car is immobilised, took battery off car for a couple of days and still no joy.

Can anyone help ?
please udate your location unfo, somone close may be able to help!!


does the car open with the key? if so, connect battery with door open, close bonnet, (alarm might have gone off by now, if it has put key in ignition and turn to start, nothing will happen but alarm should stop)

set all doors and windows(all way down then alway up) and sunroof.


get out the car and turn the key in the lock to your left 4 times.
now enter the code first to the right, then left, then right and finally left for each digit.

the car should now start but not lock or unlock on the fob!

to set the fob just hold lock and lock with key!
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Re key fob synching - my old 95 used to sync the way Gav says but my 98 syncs by just inserting into the ignition. Not sure when the changeover year was but I suspect 97.
This is the way my handbook says and it does work as I lost one key for a while which wouldn't work when found. Just inserting into the ignition brought it back to life.

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