Paul D

Old, nackered 'n broke, but the Landy is fine . :)
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Had a few people ask me for some maps, as I have all the 50k and 25k UK, some France and Ireland. Rather than create a few sets of DVDs I've uploaded all UK and a few others that were in the UK folder, most of Scotland is NOT uploaded, simply 'cos there's so many maps and no green lanes. If anyone wants a particular map number, ask .. ;) ... I haven't included any lane information, well, I don't think I have!

free to download for anyone using this link ...

I have no idea how fast it downloads, how many can be downloaded etc .. I have a fibre optic connection so it's almost immaterial to me. If anyone gets any problems let me know. I got the link to Box with 50 gig of space for free, so thought I may as well use it for something useful to the forum .. I use other things for more secure file transfers for work and stuff ..

Have fun .. ;)
Thats very nice of you Paul.

What year are they maps from do you know? mine are all 2004 so if yours are newer i may download them and update mine.
some are 2004, some are 2006, I think ...
Don't know which are which though.
how do you transfer viewranger to mem map mate ive been trying for ages to transfer some routes over but cannot work out how to do it
Dunno, I'll have a look later, when I get 10 minutes. Having breakfast right now and don't stop eating for anyone .. ;)
cannot blame you for that mate its more for getting the dales weekender route on mem map as well
cannot blame you for that mate its more for getting the dales weekender route on mem map as well

Those were only the proposed routes, we are still checking them.

You can download to memory map though, do it in gpx format instead of mmi

I have transfered them from one to the other without any problems
I don't use Wayfinder, I only have a cheap Android tablet which doesn't have GPS and doesn't support a dongle!! I did download it ages ago but it was next to useless without gps!

Look for a program called gpsbabel .. for routes and stuff export the route from Wayfinder, import it into gpsbabel and transfer/export it as .mmo (memory map overlay)

Alternatively, if Wayfinder supports it, export as a .gpx file and import directly into MM. This is easy and using .gpx format you can basically transfer almost any route format to almost any gps system.
I grabbed some of these early this morning. Fantastic. Thanks. However, Box says you're out of bandwidth now and won't let me have any more, so it's obviously been very popular!
I grabbed some of these early this morning. Fantastic. Thanks. However, Box says you're out of bandwidth now and won't let me have any more, so it's obviously been very popular!

Same for me :(

It's much appreciated tho! Top guy!
Had a few people ask me for some maps, as I have all the 50k and 25k UK, some France and Ireland. Rather than create a few sets of DVDs I've uploaded all UK and a few others that were in the UK folder, most of Scotland is NOT uploaded, simply 'cos there's so many maps and no green lanes. If anyone wants a particular map number, ask .. ;) ... I haven't included any lane information, well, I don't think I have!

free to download for anyone using this link ...

I have no idea how fast it downloads, how many can be downloaded etc .. I have a fibre optic connection so it's almost immaterial to me. If anyone gets any problems let me know. I got the link to Box with 50 gig of space for free, so thought I may as well use it for something useful to the forum .. I use other things for more secure file transfers for work and stuff ..

Have fun .. ;)

hi mate i got 2006 memory map and i got scotland do you want the scotland
hi mate i got 2006 memory map and i got scotland do you want the scotland

No thanks, I have all Scotland, just didn't put them up .. seemed a waste, but if anyone wants them I'll do it .. :)
Those were only the proposed routes, we are still checking them.

You can download to memory map though, do it in gpx format instead of mmi

I have transfered them from one to the other without any problems

Those provitional routes you sent i cant open, as they were in MMO format. When you have finished it could you send them in GPX format, my ipad seems to only open those . thanks
If you get a program called gpsbabel it'll translate mmo to gpx and all sorts of other stuff for most gps systems.
Sorry guys .. Just received an email ...

"We have recently received a complaint regarding the following file(s), which you have been sharing through your Box account, and infringe on a previously-held copyright:

All Files/Default Sync Folder/Maps

We have deleted the above file(s) from your account. Please delete any other files from your account that may infringe on any previously-held copyrights, as these go against the Box Terms of Service. Be aware that further infractions may result in account termination. "

Normal service may resume shortly at a different location ... can't promise anything so don't hold your breaths ... :)

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