Found this out from the plod:

From the 15th February 08 all the Speed Cameras in the Variable Speed Limit section of the M25 near Heathrow Airport (JCT 10-15) are going Digital and the activation limit is being lowered.

They are currently the older film type cameras and Set at 90mph when the Variable Limit Signs are not in operation.

The new digital cameras are going to be set at the normal 10% 0f the speed limit + 2mph (80mph + and you're taking a risk basically) when the signs are not in use i.e. national speed limit. I can't confirm the activation limit when the signs are set (variable limits showing) but believe it would be the same 10% + 2mph of the speed shown by the sign at that time.

when i said being a prat i didnt mean rideing like a prat, i meant it was for a stupid mistake, i washed my bike with the pressure washer and blew off my L plate, nearest place to get 1 was an hour walk each way so decided i'd ride and got stopped on the way and apparently the missing L plate voids my insurance so they done me for that

You have a provisional licence, the law requires you to have a "L" plates on your vehicle until you pass a test for that vehicle class, the copper was doing his job, enforcing the law....the beak gave you some Browne points and probably upped his bonus via your pocket...

We all at times do thing that are not kosher but usually "yes sir, no sir, certainly sir, works", but don't complain when you get a slap for your own stupidity, buy a spare set of "L" Plates.
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You have a provisional licence, the law requires you to have a "L" plates on your vehicle until you pass a test for that vehicle class, the copper was doing his job, enforcing the law....the beak gave you some Browne points and probably upped his bonus via your pocket...

We all at times do thing that are not kosher but usually "yes sir, no sir, certainly sir, works", but don't complain when you get a slap for your own stupidity, buy a spare set of "L" Plates.

i no that now, i was very polite to the copper, oh well you learn from your mistakes, i got a full license for car and bike now, just gota wait for points to come off, my insurance for the landy is over 2000 coz of them points
all blemishes are gone from my record but they are still on my paper licence as i am not gonna pay to have them taken off stoopid fooking ****ers mekkin me pay to get a noo licence just to have points removed

a way around that is send it in with a change of address (gone back to live wiv yer mum ;)) then after a couple of months send it in again as you have made it up with the wife ;):D
dont cost to change the address and the points come off on the new 1
I have been done by two of those cameras and they were both revenue earners, One was a failure to slow down from 60 to 50 as they had just changed the limit (50yrds before the digital camera) and the other had been calibrated to catch HGVs running at just over the out dated 40 mph limit on single carrigeway 60 limit roads.

no excuse I know but I rarley excede the speed limits by more than a few miles per hour
Received this email from a firm trying to sell me camera detectors. However, I did notice the cameras were there Friday just gone, but the camera signs are "greyed out" with paint at the moment, so they can't be live. Like they don't make enough money from the sodding crossing as it is !

During last week, there were SPECS average speed cameras
erected on the QE2 "Dartford" Bridge in Essex/Kent.

They start just before the bridge and end before the tolls at the end.

If you have driven by and not seen them last week, it's because
they are mounted on a road gantry rather than on the normal
yellow or blue poles.

Often there is a big delay between the cameras being put up
and actually going live, but our source tells us that they are
going live this week.

The SPECS area on the other side of the road is also being
extended but we understand that the extra cameras haven't
been cabled in yet.
been driving 28 years and never had a speeding ticket, most of my driving is on motorways and i do well over 14,000 miles a year. you are a load of winging tossers who drive too ****ing fast.
been driving 28 years and never had a speeding ticket, most of my driving is on motorways and i do well over 14,000 miles a year. you are a load of winging tossers who drive too ****ing fast.

Would the whinging tossers. Please say hello To the Scantimonious CUUNT!! :D
been driving 28 years and never had a speeding ticket, most of my driving is on motorways and i do well over 14,000 miles a year. you are a load of winging tossers who drive too ****ing fast.

14,000 miles, whoopee f*cking doo you cocksucking pr*ck. I'm pulling 30,000 plus a year, in a variety of vehicles. Now all well and good, but I would say a large number of land rover drivers on here can only dream about breaking the speed limit on a motorway.

When you get dragged from your bed at 2 in the morning by the callout service, because a life safety system has failed, you've got to drive up to 150 miles to put it right, the last thing on your mind is keeping to the speed limit. Chances are, you don't know the area well, it's pitch black, and you're thinking of the poor sods relying on you getting there as fast as possible.

Except for you, who appears to only be thinking of their own smug self righteousness.

I whole heartedly agree with speed controls in built up areas during busy times, especially around schools, old peoples homes, hospitals etc. But it needs to have some perspective.

NFN - "Normal For Norfolk", (a rural English county stereotypically associated with inbreeding.)
taken from:

(and apologies to anyone on here who isn't a c*ck like one of the posters in this thread, but comes from the county in question)
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Wasnt born in norfolk, Oxford. Never sucked cock, and dont intend to. So are you saying that everyone that speeds is not smug or selfish?
I am all for freedom on the roads, big brother watching us all the time.
I thought this thread was anything goes? The whinging tossers comment was only a joke to liven up the debate. At the end of the day, there is nothing we can do about them. kiss kiss.

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