Found this out from the plod:

From the 15th February 08 all the Speed Cameras in the Variable Speed Limit section of the M25 near Heathrow Airport (JCT 10-15) are going Digital and the activation limit is being lowered.

They are currently the older film type cameras and Set at 90mph when the Variable Limit Signs are not in operation.

The new digital cameras are going to be set at the normal 10% 0f the speed limit + 2mph (80mph + and you're taking a risk basically) when the signs are not in use i.e. national speed limit. I can't confirm the activation limit when the signs are set (variable limits showing) but believe it would be the same 10% + 2mph of the speed shown by the sign at that time.

ffs dunt yer know nowt???
he wint blinded , he wuz pretending to be blinded so as to gert the part
Thanks for that bit of news, i travel some of that worn concrete most days on my crotch rocket, on the same sort of note i also pass the cobham turn off on a3 and have noticed that the law are very often sat on the flyover with speed trap and plod on a bike.
speed limits are a load of bollocks.. they have the same limit no matter what the road conditions are, no matter how heavy the traffic is, no matter how bad visibility is. if the speed limit is 70 on a foggy icey morning during rush hour then shirley it must be safe to do 70. therefore you should be able to safely travel at 140ish on a clear,warm, quiet sunday afternoon.

if on the other hand its not safe to do over 70 on a clear warm quiet sunday afternoon then there is no way it can be safe to do 70 on yer foggy icey morning during rush hour.

what yer need if a set of varible speed limits such as outside schools knock it down to about 10mph. quiet streches of motorway yer could bang it up to around 100 ish

poor answer slob,
when the conditions change, i'e fog, heavy rain, the limit DOES change thanks to the matrix signs. Many times I've seen the limit change down to 40, or 50.
poor answer slob,
when the conditions change, i'e fog, heavy rain, the limit DOES change thanks to the matrix signs. Many times I've seen the limit change down to 40, or 50.
Poor answer edbell, the roads that are controlled by this type of sign constitute a tiny miniscule proportion of the total (probably mainly along the M4 corridor in Wiltshire!) - and admitted there are some changeable signs outside schools which is a good idea, but in the main the law is that you can legally travel at 60/70 on a A/M road all the time, which is bonkers.

Also down here we have a MASS of tiny lanes, one car wide. The limit on them is normally 60, and whilst most peope in their right minds would never do 60 on most of them, there are quite a lot of people not in their right minds! Why have virtually the same legal speed limit on a 4 or 5 lane open straight motorway in beautiful sunshine on a quite afternoon as you do on a road that's 6" wider than your car in freezing fog, on the school run "rush hour"?
Poor answer edbell, the roads that are controlled by this type of sign constitute a tiny miniscule proportion of the total (probably mainly along the M4 corridor in Wiltshire!) - and admitted there are some changeable signs outside schools which is a good idea, but in the main the law is that you can legally travel at 60/70 on a A/M road all the time, which is bonkers.

Also down here we have a MASS of tiny lanes, one car wide. The limit on them is normally 60, and whilst most peope in their right minds would never do 60 on most of them, there are quite a lot of people not in their right minds! Why have virtually the same legal speed limit on a 4 or 5 lane open straight motorway in beautiful sunshine on a quite afternoon as you do on a road that's 6" wider than your car in freezing fog, on the school run "rush hour"?

ah but if ya looked at what i was quotin from ol slob, he was talkin about roads where th limit is 70, which is only motorways. not prissy lil car wide lanes. that was not what I was respondin to. so i stick to me responce as being true. when the conditions change on motorways, you are warned to slow down to 50 and sometimes 40.
Not just th M4.
We aint got no motorways in Cornwall but there's a coupla 70 roads and loads of 60s - the a30 has some signs but there aint many elsewhere
ah but if ya looked at what i was quotin from ol slob, he was talkin about roads where th limit is 70, which is only motorways. not prissy lil car wide lanes. that was not what I was respondin to. so i stick to me responce as being true. when the conditions change on motorways, you are warned to slow down to 50 and sometimes 40.
Not just th M4.

All dual carriageways As well as motorways are 70mph. All other roads are 60mph unless signs display an alternative speed.. Or are in a builtup area with regularly spaced street lighting. in which case they are 30 unless signs display an alternative speed..
If they don't have a bit between the carriageways (anything, barrier, gravel, trees) then they aren't a dual carriageway and the limit is 60. You can have single lane dual carriageways - ie one lane in either direction split with a barrier which is 70
Yes they does or else they're not actually classified as Dual carriage ways. If they is classed as a dual carriage ways they have the tuning fork type sign at the start of them.

Yur right Oddy.

Offacial description of a Dual carriageway.

A dual carriageway or divided highway is a road or highway in which the two directions of traffic are separated by a central barrier or strip of land, known as a central reservation or median. This type of road is usually able to carry a great deal more traffic than normal "single carriageway" roads and boulevards
Going back to the original point of the thread, I thought the argument for putting in GATSOs was to reduce accidents and they could only be placed after a certain number of serious/fatal accidents on that stretch of road. Also after they had been in place for a while if the number of accidents was reduced they had to be removed, or was this only politicians trying to avoid being regarded as money grabbing?
The point of this thread should be the DISPOSAL of thsoe tax machines.


Not that I am encouraging lawlessness mid you ...

sons mate side swiped by a idiot today speeding on a19 it clipped young lads car and it flipped, unfortunatly the drivers 3 month old baby died instantly. the passengers in front had to be cut free. so if cams were fitted on a19 perhaps the idiot would have been more cautious.

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