Found this out from the plod:

From the 15th February 08 all the Speed Cameras in the Variable Speed Limit section of the M25 near Heathrow Airport (JCT 10-15) are going Digital and the activation limit is being lowered.

They are currently the older film type cameras and Set at 90mph when the Variable Limit Signs are not in operation.

The new digital cameras are going to be set at the normal 10% 0f the speed limit + 2mph (80mph + and you're taking a risk basically) when the signs are not in use i.e. national speed limit. I can't confirm the activation limit when the signs are set (variable limits showing) but believe it would be the same 10% + 2mph of the speed shown by the sign at that time.

speed limits are a load of bollocks.. they have the same limit no matter what the road conditions are, no matter how heavy the traffic is, no matter how bad visibility is. if the speed limit is 70 on a foggy icey morning during rush hour then shirley it must be safe to do 70. therefore you should be able to safely travel at 140ish on a clear,warm, quiet sunday afternoon.

if on the other hand its not safe to do over 70 on a clear warm quiet sunday afternoon then there is no way it can be safe to do 70 on yer foggy icey morning during rush hour.

what yer need if a set of varible speed limits such as outside schools knock it down to about 10mph. quiet streches of motorway yer could bang it up to around 100 ish

Well, as far as variable limits- If you are ever 'done' in an area of roadworks -say 50mph ins 70mph, DoT Road Traffic Management Chapter 8 regs say that when works have finished, the signage and speed ristrictions must be returned to normal- basically, if they are not at work-they cannot leave their TM in place-including speed ristrictions. I've done the course an will be using it in my defense the next time I get clocked in Roadworks ( chance be a fine thing :)
Well, as far as variable limits- If you are ever 'done' in an area of roadworks -say 50mph ins 70mph, DoT Road Traffic Management Chapter 8 regs say that when works have finished, the signage and speed ristrictions must be returned to normal- basically, if they are not at work-they cannot leave their TM in place-including speed ristrictions. I've done the course an will be using it in my defense the next time I get clocked in Roadworks ( chance be a fine thing :)

gotta learn ur lessons son.
all blemishes are gone from my record but they are still on my paper licence as i am not gonna pay to have them taken off stoopid fooking ****ers mekkin me pay to get a noo licence just to have points removed

just send it off with a change of addresss (use yer aunties, brothers etc) any expired points are removed free - then just change it back a month later. Works a treat:D
Well Grippa, since the release of this information I have been riding under the cameras on the M25 between the M3 and M4 every weekday morning and no-one has slowed down to the posted speed limits. We are all still doing 60 through a 50 and 70+ through a 60, so if they have replaced the old cameras with digital cameras then they should ask for their money back.
I have a great trick to beat Speed Cameras and it works very well for everyone.

Stick to the limit.

No tricks, no detectors, no GPS maps with locations marked, no heavy braking when I see one. Just pootle along at or below the limit and job done.
I have a great trick to beat Speed Cameras and it works very well for everyone.

Stick to the limit.

No tricks, no detectors, no GPS maps with locations marked, no heavy braking when I see one. Just pootle along at or below the limit and job done.

cudn't agree more. and come on!speed limit cameras shudn't be an issue on a LANDROVER website!!gettin anywhere near HALF the limit shud be the issue if anythin!

or is it jus me, and i've been drivin me landy all wrong......
cudn't agree more. and come on!speed limit cameras shudn't be an issue on a LANDROVER website!!gettin anywhere near HALF the limit shud be the issue if anythin!

or is it jus me, and i've been drivin me landy all wrong......

I agree with regards to the M25 cameras, as that's definately the easiest way to not get caught out, but when it comes to the regular GATSOs, half the issue is when the cheeky money-grabbing robbing basturds stick a 30 camera right after a 40 zone, where the change of speed signs are very poor and there's a camera carefully positioned behind some over-grown trees (see here for examples)... The little boy racers in their Corsas know where they are and just slow down - Then your otherwise innocent motorists get caught by genuine accident and are punnished for the scummy little chav tw*ts.
I agree with regards to the M25 cameras, as that's definately the easiest way to not get caught out, but when it comes to the regular GATSOs, half the issue is when the cheeky money-grabbing robbing basturds stick a 30 camera right after a 40 zone, where the change of speed signs are very poor and there's a camera carefully positioned behind some over-grown trees (see here for examples)... The little boy racers in their Corsas know where they are and just slow down - Then your otherwise innocent motorists get caught by genuine accident and are punnished for the scummy little chav tw*ts.

totally agree. WE'RE ALL IN AGREEMENT!!
This morning I noticed that 2 overhead gantries with older style speed camera/detectors have been upgraded between the M3 and M4.
The new boxes are about the size of a roadside Gatso and mounted in the gantries. I have no reason not to suspect that these are now live speed cameras and maybe digital. How accurate that are going to be set for giving out tickets I don't want to find out.

The gantries I have noticed so far are:-
From M3 northbound to M4, gantry 1 just after you enter the M25 and 9 just before the Terminal 4/5 exit.
Also heading south on the M25 the last gantry before you exit for the M3.

That GATSO site is out of date reference the Bristol Area. The Bath and Batheaston GATSO's are alive and kicking. And yes they are in the ideal areas for ALL Landies to acheive more than 50mph... halfway down and at the bottom of a loooooooooooooooooooooong hill where you dont even need the wind to help! :D
this is getting harder for us young drivers, iv had my license for 6months got 6 points a few years back for being a prat on an a 125cc bike, now if i get 1 point before the other 6 expire they will revoke my license
this is getting harder for us young drivers, iv had my license for 6months got 6 points a few years back for being a prat on an a 125cc bike, now if i get 1 point before the other 6 expire they will revoke my license

thats the idea - makes you think before acting like a pratt agin. Dont expect sympathy.
thats the idea - makes you think before acting like a pratt agin. Dont expect sympathy.

when i said being a prat i didnt mean rideing like a prat, i meant it was for a stupid mistake, i washed my bike with the pressure washer and blew off my L plate, nearest place to get 1 was an hour walk each way so decided i'd ride and got stopped on the way and apparently the missing L plate voids my insurance so they done me for that

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