Found this out from the plod:

From the 15th February 08 all the Speed Cameras in the Variable Speed Limit section of the M25 near Heathrow Airport (JCT 10-15) are going Digital and the activation limit is being lowered.

They are currently the older film type cameras and Set at 90mph when the Variable Limit Signs are not in operation.

The new digital cameras are going to be set at the normal 10% 0f the speed limit + 2mph (80mph + and you're taking a risk basically) when the signs are not in use i.e. national speed limit. I can't confirm the activation limit when the signs are set (variable limits showing) but believe it would be the same 10% + 2mph of the speed shown by the sign at that time.

wouldnt we be singing from a different song sheet if some prick in a ferrari crashed into us at 100mph and killed one of our kids??????

speed limits are there for a reason!!!

I think a lightweight Ferrari vs a 3 tonne defender would probably disintigrate but that's just me.

For me the issue isn't about speeding, it's about a system that wants to make slaves out of drivers and citizens.

Speed limits on the motorway were introduce back in the swinging 60s when cars would struggle to do about 70 mph.

But too many people **** and moan yet when it comes to voting they shrug their shoulders and let labour ruin the country with these oppressive laws without voting them out.
Petitions against this sort of thing get woefully small amounts of signatures for the population of this country. etc etc

Our US friends often remark that we are peasants with privilages instead of citizens with rights and we deserve all we get.
Sometimes I wonder if they have a point.

The only places left for fast cars and drivers are the country lanes now...
Shocking .... truly shocking.

Don't they realise that burning tyres is not allowed?

They could surely choose a greener source of fire .... from a sustainable source .... like a load of pallets perhaps?

But one has to admit, a tyre has all the right attributes!


Far more subtler to shoot the lens out with a decent air-rifle. Just make sure you do it away from the road...

"My gosh officer that grey squirrel / pigeon was there a moment ago, need to get my scope zero'd again" :D

Worse comes to the worse you get a criminal damage against gato's with your name. Consider it a badge of honour. :)
Our US friends often remark that we are peasants with privilages instead of citizens with rights and we deserve all we get.
Sometimes I wonder if they have a point.

We are "SUBJECTS".

We use the roads not by right, but by the gracious consent of the Queen.

The Yanks are so keen to have the Saxe-Coburg Gotha family I say we should sell the lot to the USA, but they don't get taking the money they have grubbed from us.

What's this about a wedding? Is some poor outsider girl being dragged in for breeding?
I disagree, the queen is a redundant figurehead.
This can be firmly proved:-treasonous acts of allowing unelected foreign powers to bring laws into this country (EU) remember the lbs kg and fruit shape issues of years gone by.

Whoever is "elected" is firmly in the trough and ready to sell us all out to the highest bidder.

for instance edf have subsidised French electricity and will be building new reactor(s) in uk

Evening Granddad :D

Before health and safety-we had common sense or darwins theory of evolution in action.
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We are "SUBJECTS".

We use the roads not by right, but by the gracious consent of the Queen.

The Yanks are so keen to have the Saxe-Coburg Gotha family I say we should sell the lot to the USA, but they don't get taking the money they have grubbed from us.

What's this about a wedding? Is some poor outsider girl being dragged in for breeding?

the yanks are just relocated brit's

We should remember our place in society.
We are worthless scumbags, peasants, a resource, a source of endless money, plebs, workers, disposable, and we deserve all we get for putting up with this sort of treatment.

People should be out there "attending to" all these cameras. I'm amazed any of them last more than an hour after they are installed.


Where's Capt Gatso when you need him.... ;)
I'm not old enough to have seen it in the flix but i have seen it on tv (about 2 am on channel 4) i wanna see the original gon in 60 but i cant find it all i can find is the nicolas cage one

Look for Gone in 60 Seconds 1974, it is out there and available, Vanishing Point, yes I enjoyed that I have it here, only available on Region 1 DVD.
What someone need's to do is find a retired solicitor/barrister with time on his hand's to stop this, not having the right not to i/d the driver of their car. You can murder someone, yet not be prosecuted for not telling the piggies who your partner in crime was.
Taken from yesterdays newsshopper local paper dated 4th July 2012:

Average speed cameras went live on the Dartford Crossing last Thursday. (that was 28.06.12)

Cameras will now enforce the 50mph speed limit on both the clockwise and anti-clockwise stretch of the M25.

Travelling from Kent into Essex, the cameras will begin at junction 2 for the Darenth Interchange and will continue up until the tunnels.

In the clockwise direction, they will operate between junction 31 in Essex and the toll booths on the Kent side of the bridge.

Thems is average speed cameras too, so no speedy uppy slowy downy either.
Variable speed limits are bollox, they are the reason for congested motorways because the general public can't drive! There are complete tools out there that have no awareness of other drivers, don't know where they're going unless the satnav tells them and over react to changes in speed. If big brother didn't put up an variable speed of 40 on the M25 but left it to national speed limit, everyone would get home early, but we will never know. Shear volume of traffic is not hazardous if people knew how to drive. Here endeth the lesson.
Variable speed limits are bollox, they are the reason for congested motorways because the general public can't drive! There are complete tools out there that have no awareness of other drivers, don't know where they're going unless the satnav tells them and over react to changes in speed. If big brother didn't put up an variable speed of 40 on the M25 but left it to national speed limit, everyone would get home early, but we will never know. Shear volume of traffic is not hazardous if people knew how to drive. Here endeth the lesson.

Totally agree it's 70 for a reason so how does anything less help.
Because for a lot of idiots, 70mph is too much when it gets busy as they have nowhere near enough spatial awareness or brains on how to react to a liquid situation. Hence why bringing it down to say 50mph slows everything down and gives the numpties a bit more time. Better to have it 20mph less than be sitting in traffic for 3 hours whilst the police solve a major RTA cos someone cant drive properly.
Variable speed limits are bollox, they are the reason for congested motorways because the general public can't drive! There are complete tools out there that have no awareness of other drivers, don't know where they're going unless the satnav tells them and over react to changes in speed. If big brother didn't put up an variable speed of 40 on the M25 but left it to national speed limit, everyone would get home early, but we will never know. Shear volume of traffic is not hazardous if people knew how to drive. Here endeth the lesson.

Crap !...

I drove M25 for 4 years 2 hours each way a day and it was the variable speed limit which keeps it moving... Everything you say about drivers is true but thats why variable works and you counter your own slows folk down and gives more time to react.
The only two good things about cars are that they can take you long distances, in comfort and at speed...Ok thats three things! So when you take two of those things away (speed and distance) its very irritating. A land rover, as we all know, is so much more than just a car...
So enjoy the speed cameras, we know that the cameras have a function. Sit back at 1500RPM and enjoy the sudden brake light action as the euroboxes suddenly see the cameras. Enjoy the feeling of satisfaction as we slow creep up along side them as our speed has remained constant. Laugh at their frustration as they accelarate off to the next set of light only to have to slam on their brakes again thus arriving at there destination only to bore those who they are meeting with tales of 'those bloody speed late cameras on the M25'.
Yes those cameras are not for the likes of where's my cheque book, I've got a speed ticket to pay for.

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