im pretty sure its only van bodied,truck cab, hi cap that are affected csw are not involved in this
My 1998 CSW 90 TD5 Defender was built from new with 4 rear seats and windows all round yet if you put the reg no. into the TFL website it says non-compliant from Oct 2010.
It was never registered as a commercial vehicle so what gives?
I spoke to the lez numptys when it was initially being introduced a couple of years ago and they told me that a defednder that was a commercial body type would be liable but a passenger one would not. I asked about changing my van bodied 90 into csw spec and they told me it would not change as they go by what the vehicle was originally so I sold my old one and bought a csw. when I was looking around for csw's I checked reg of all the ones I looked at on the lez website and they all came up as not effected.
Hmm. Mine is a van but somehow seems to of dodged a bullet on the LEZ bs....

I'm still waiting for the V5 document to come back from DVLA so I'm not holding my breath.

It was manufactured in 28th March 2001.
Does that mean I'm going to get clobbered with the massive tax hikes in 2010?
Taxation class is diesel car and the CO2 is 299 g/km
The whole thing is a scam to raise taxes.

The cost of delivering almost everything in to London will be increased, and who ends up paying for that? The ordinary people, who are being DUPED into paying MORE TAXES and feeling happy about it!

What a bunch of stupid un-thinking idiots!

Serves them right for living in a dump like that anyway. I have 10 acres all to myself.

Space to play.

Nice one Booger, cant be sending an email yesterday had anything to do with it, must be a coincidence
The whole thing is a scam to raise taxes.

The cost of delivering almost everything in to London will be increased, and who ends up paying for that? The ordinary people, who are being DUPED into paying MORE TAXES and feeling happy about it!

What a bunch of stupid un-thinking idiots!

Serves them right for living in a dump like that anyway. I have 10 acres all to myself.

Space to play.


This is where I live, yes it's definately a dump, but by living in a dump like Richmond Upon Thames my house value is appreciating far faster than anywhere else in the country, so oneday I will be able to retire early and live in the country :D

O and just to be clever I have 8.5 acres in Ripley Surrey to play in :rolleyes:



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My '96 300 110 csw, is also non-compliant, classed as a "Private/Light goods" so it seems as said before, this is the problem. But I expect it will change, well done Boris for delaying it.

Last time I was in London, I was asked if I was from London, I said no I'm English. :)
This is where I live, yes it's definately a dump, but by living in a dump like Richmond Upon Thames my house value is appreciating far faster than anywhere else in the country, so oneday I will be able to retire early and live in the country :D

O and just to be clever I have 8.5 acres in Ripley Surrey to play in :rolleyes:

The house I paid £13k for in Wimbledon I sold 8 years later for £298k which I was a tad disappointed with. :D My current house is worth 4 times what I paid for it 10 years ago. Purely because its 30 mins from Waterloo by train. So although I dont want to live in London any more it does have its uses.

Yo Booger can I come and play on your 8.5 acres as I live just around the corner? My 2 acre garden aint big enough. ;)
Yo Booger can I come and play on your 8.5 acres as I live just around the corner? My 2 acre garden aint big enough. ;)

Do you mean play with a Land Rover ?? The answer would be No :D

However, If you want to bring your dogs for a run around then sure ;)
My 1997 300 tdi 110 CSW is also Non compliant after 4/10/10

This also has never been registered as a commercial vehicle.

Checking the site to establish the co2 output it states " Not Available".

How then does TFL determine that my landy is non compliant?

As previously commented "this is another Tax" with Congestion charging a day trip into town will cost 108.00 before filling your tank!
The big worry is tho, whatever happens in london, the rest of the cities will be forced to follow over the next few years, is anything similar happening in any other city in europe? or is just us brits being hammered yet again?????????
According to the DVLA its got nowt to do with your pre 2002 engine type but everything to do with the "body type" recorded on your V5C (thats log book to normal peeps). For vehicles after 2002 not contained in the auto exemption list it is up to you to demonstrate that your engine meets the required emmission standards by means of a VOSA test that you will have to arrange and pay for. :mad:

If your V5C says "4x4 light utility" in the body type which most Landrovers do because the lazy dealers just use the default when they register them then TFL assume it is a commercial and not exempt - hence the auto checker indicating non-compliance. :( TFL dont consider the vehicle make which, if you are lucky, should say "90/110 Land Rover Defender CSW TD...."

This is important because the "Vehicle Make" on your V5C must indicate CSW from first registration in order for the DVLA to change the body type to "station wagon/estate car" which automatically exempts you from the LEZ at the current time as the vehicle is now considered a private car and not a commercial van. :)

The DVLA told me that, so long as my V5C shows CSW in the "vehicle make" from first registration (which it does) then all I need do is highlight the incorrect "body type" details, fill in section 7 of my V5C with the correct details, sign and date the declaration box, and send it in to the DVLA at Swansea. They say it will be changed and returned within 20 days and TFL will then automatically reference the new details for purposes of LEZ. :D

I have done this and wait with bated breath the return of my shiny new V5C at which time I'll try the LEZ compliance checker again. If it works I'll be amazed and Red Ken and BoJo can shove their LEZ where the sun dont shine. :p

If it dont work I'll be on the hunt for some dodgy number plates. ;)

They also told me that they have been flooded with similar enquiries from owners of other makes of 4x4 because the default setting is "light utility" for all 4x4 vehicles. :doh:

Aren't computers wonderful things?
Hmm, I never will go near london in my lannie BUT AFAIK if your landrover is commercial/van and registered after March 2001 your annual road tax will be lower than the poll tax on wheels rates they are bringing in soon.

Correct me if I'm wrong on that one lads.
It's how they'll pay for the scrappage scheme...

...persuade people to part with their perfectly good old cars for some 'filthy lucre', then slap a higher road tax on the replacement vehicles... :mad:

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