I guess that will be cheeper than paying £200 a day !

Will wait and see whats happening about it before i pay the money
Im confused, i thought this only applied to comercial operation. i thought that a land rover with windows in the back was clasified as a car so does not have to comply with Euro III.

i find it funny the list of vehicles that have to comply; snow ploughs for example, "Sorry we cant plough or grit the roads because the truck doesent comply with emissions regulations, so youll just have to crash unfortuantly."

And fire engines?!? if u take the cat off the truck it will get there 15 seconds quicker, and put out the fire 15 seonds quicker, and thats more carbon prevented than the truck will ever produce!
No. A Landrover by default can and often is classified as a "light utility" van derived vehicle unless the dealer ticks the right boxes at first registration. This is where the confusion arises. Enter your reg. no. into the compliance checker and see what pops up.

I was determined to get this sorted before it became a problem because having recently got a £120 ticket for putting two nearside wheels over a bus lane to allow a wide load to pass in the opposite direction the fookers will take your money if the database says they can - even if it is blatently wrong.

I argued the toss with Lambeth - you might as well talk to the man in the moon, got hold of the live video of the incident showing the reason why, went to court, and still got stiched up. The magistrate agreed that I should not have entered the bus lane and should have stayed put and caused chaos until directed to move by a police officer. Also I was upposed to get that officer to sign something to confirm his directions. ****ers. I was not the only driver to move over to allow the wide load to pass. They must have earned thousands yet they still deny that the motorist (legal ones they can trace that is) is an easy touch.
Time to swap the plates :D
Funny you should say that - the next time I drive through Lambeth I'm going to stick some iffy plates on and commit every offence in the book. It will cost them more than £120 trying to trace the plates for every offence.
Lambeth is run by faciests anyway.............

Any thoughts on putting a TDCI engine into an older landy - i guess i would need a new bonnet as well???? - Hopefully the pikeys with the old box van who drives around pikeying things away will have to go as well - i guess there is one good side of the LEZ
The Pikeys will ignore the LEZ because they dont register their vehicles at the correct address so any fines never get to them. They'll just carry on doing as they like.
For years I’ve read all the Land Rover magazines, I saved my spare cash and spent hours poring over Autotrader, Ebay and Pistonheads. Finally this year I got what I wanted a Defender 110 Station wagon The only problem is that because it’s a 200tdi, it looks like I won’t be able to keep it because of the final implementation of the Low Emission Zone in 2012 – damn! (I know I should have saved for another five or ten years when I could have afforded a TD5 or even move away from London!)
I haven’t taken this lying down and since July I have been trying to persuade DVLA to properly classify my 1993 200tdi 110 County Station as an estate car rather than as a Light Utility Vehicle. To prove my point I have sent them photos, a copy of the original build card and a letter from Land Rover confirming that it was constructed as a Station Wagon and as such a passenger vehicle and not a goods vehicle. Unfortunately all of this was a waste of time as DVLA has point blank refused to reclassify my Land Rover. They have stated that they do not use the description ‘Station Wagon’ and as far as they are concerned it is correctly classed as a Light Utility Vehicle and unless Land Rover categorically state that it is an estate car then it should stay so. (Unfortunately Land Rover won’t go so far).
I am extremely annoyed with DVLA as I know from numerous Land Rover Forums that owners have been successful with applications to change the body type of Station Wagons to estate cars. What I am asking is, please can anyone who has done this e-mail me at nicholas.jones05@tiscali.co.uk with their details and the details of their Land Rover. I want the information to demonstrate to DVLA that they have already done for other owners what they refused me and as such their decision is perverse and possibly unlawful. If DVLA still refuse then I’m going to get some legal advice on the issue. I can’t see how they can allow some applications and turn down others.
I do realise that all this is like banging my head against a brick wall but at least it will be nice when I can stop.

Someone has to make a stand and refuse to pay..then get hauled thru the courts with as much publicity as possible..theres 10 thousand people on this forum alone..i dont mind throwing a pound into a pot to get this absurd, prejudiced and clearly wrong charge challenged.
For years I’ve read all the Land Rover magazines, I saved my spare cash and spent hours poring over Autotrader, Ebay and Pistonheads. Finally this year I got what I wanted a Defender 110 Station wagon The only problem is that because it’s a 200tdi, it looks like I won’t be able to keep it because of the final implementation of the Low Emission Zone in 2012 – damn! (I know I should have saved for another five or ten years when I could have afforded a TD5 or even move away from London!)
I haven’t taken this lying down and since July I have been trying to persuade DVLA to properly classify my 1993 200tdi 110 County Station as an estate car rather than as a Light Utility Vehicle. To prove my point I have sent them photos, a copy of the original build card and a letter from Land Rover confirming that it was constructed as a Station Wagon and as such a passenger vehicle and not a goods vehicle. Unfortunately all of this was a waste of time as DVLA has point blank refused to reclassify my Land Rover. They have stated that they do not use the description ‘Station Wagon’ and as far as they are concerned it is correctly classed as a Light Utility Vehicle and unless Land Rover categorically state that it is an estate car then it should stay so. (Unfortunately Land Rover won’t go so far).
I am extremely annoyed with DVLA as I know from numerous Land Rover Forums that owners have been successful with applications to change the body type of Station Wagons to estate cars. What I am asking is, please can anyone who has done this e-mail me at nicholas.jones05@tiscali.co.uk with their details and the details of their Land Rover. I want the information to demonstrate to DVLA that they have already done for other owners what they refused me and as such their decision is perverse and possibly unlawful. If DVLA still refuse then I’m going to get some legal advice on the issue. I can’t see how they can allow some applications and turn down others.
I do realise that all this is like banging my head against a brick wall but at least it will be nice when I can stop.

My job in 2008/99 was fitting the silencer filters to trucks to enable them to pass the emissions test for LEZ, after fitting we tested each vehicle and filled in the form for LEZ - always passed (legit). Knowing the emission levels on your 200tdi engine it will pass if it is runing well, so why not find a station that will test it and send in the paperwork for you?
Millhillbilly you have an Email.

Don't tell the world otherwise the govt WILL put somthing in place to stop it from working.

Millhillbilly you have an Email.

Don't tell the world otherwise the govt WILL put somthing in place to stop it from working.


And me please Jai :) I live 5 miles away from the LEZ... Only time i have taken the 110 in there was for the L2B :D
Ta for the advice Jai, I'm still going to have another go at DVLA but I'll bear in mind what you if if all else fails.
I would be interested to hear of that Jai if possible? I only just discovered this thread, and one of my workshops sits just 2 miles outside the zone, which is going to make life virtually impossible for me if this actua;;y happens.

I think I would have to get rid of the old girl.
I would be interested to hear of that Jai if possible? I only just discovered this thread, and one of my workshops sits just 2 miles outside the zone, which is going to make life virtually impossible for me if this actua;;y happens.

I think I would have to get rid of the old girl.

It is all just another racket to steal money from motorists.
No more, and no less.


The air must be COMPRESSED by some means, then put in the car tanks.

Compressing air take a huge amount of POWER, and is a very INEFFICIENT process. The POWER used comes from electricity, the power stations.

Power stations are about 30% fuel efficient over-all.
The air compressing process would be about 10% efficient.

A diesel engine is about 30% efficient.

Therefore the so-called free air engine is TEN TIMES more polluting than a typical diesel engine.

NOTHING by way of a motor has yet come close to the over-all efficiency and convenience of the internal combustion reciprocating piston engine.

That's a fact.

Just to clear the air a bit (as it were) and take up a few of the points above:
It's nothing to do with carbon emissions. It's particulates that are the problem, which is why V8s are exempt.
Parts of London have very poor air quality. It's because it's in a valley and the crap doesn't blow away. I live on a hill and on a hot summer day my view of the City just disappears in smog.
I don't have the figures but it's likely that literally hundreds of people are killed by this every year in London.
It's not really down to Boris or Ken - fact is that the EU will start to slap massive fines on us for being, in effect, a third world country if we don't get the pollution down. This may apply to other cities in the future, but most don't have London's air pollution problem.
Germany has implimented a similar but much more complex system, and yes it applies to ALL of us if we go there http://www.germany-tourism.co.uk/driving_in_germany_low_emission_zones.htm?cc_lang=. The fine is €40 a time.
Apparently London taxi drivers have found that they can pass the emissions test by using bio-diesel.
The zone should not apply to any Discos, except possibly commercials. Anyone got a commercial disco and checked their status?

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