Wouldn't you need a PSV licence and insurance to match? Would be worth it if you visited London regularly.
You don't need a PSV licence, but you do need D1 (you get it automatically if you're my age). You need this anyway to drive a Series LWB with more than 9 seats. Don't know about insurance, although the last two 12 seaters I owned (Series 3 Station Wagon and Freight Rover Sherpa) were insured with no problem.
Hi Ladies and Gents,

I have just been pinged by Boris's boys, I have a 110 on an L plate with the 200 series engine, I have always assumed he is a CSW, but with 12 seats, (fixed bench type) is probably a minibus in boris's eyes.

I went into Bromley for the day not a usual event and one I will not be repeating.

Any ideas?

There is talk of a letter notifying folk that their vehicle was about to be very expensive to drive in London, did anyone outside the M25 get one?

Has anyone got a copy I can have?

Has anyone posted a copy online?

thanks in anticipation

Charlie 37
Hi Charlie,
My 110 is still registerd at my parents address in Staffs (i've been a student in London for a few years) and i got a letter a month for about 6 months. I'll see if i've got one hanging around i can find for you.

To keep my 110 i moved out of lond and caught the train. Now i work in London, so am in the process of converting my 110 to Petrol so i can still use her in London.

My understanding is that it goes on whatever's on the V5- if it's registered as a light commercial (like my HT) it will be clobbered by LEZ, if it's registered as an estate it's free. I have also heard of people providing photo edivence thet the vehicle is not a van, after this TFL update their records and you are no longer charge.

I'll PM you if ifind a letter.

Thanks Steve, the problem appears to have gone away, I spoke to a lady at TFL, she said that, for 28 days from the date of my warning letter, I will NOT be charged the "fine".

I can travel inside the zone for "free", her words not mine.

I have confirmed that the call was recorded.

The letter is not clear but her verbal response was. I shall await developments and cross fingers.

I shall not be travelling inside the M25 again, not in my estate car anyway.

If you find a copy of the letter, I would love to see one, just in case.

charlie 37
Steve, another thing, on another site I saw there was mention of the original status of the vehicle being important so check, before you spend, that once an diseasal always a diseasal does not apply.

charlie 37
Steve, another thing, on another site I saw there was mention of the original status of the vehicle being important so check, before you spend, that once an diseasal always a diseasal does not apply.

charlie 37
Correct! It is what the vehicle was first registered as from new that is important. You can not just remove seats or swap from diesel to petrol as TFL get their data from the DVLA who have to update their records first. Its the DVLA that tell TFL who has to pay or not. Otherwise everybody would be swapping engines and bolting seats in or out to avoid the charge.
That's odd, i know somone who has done the change and it worked fine. I plan to re-register it with DVLA as a petrol, as TLF get their info from DVLA this should be fine as it'll be petrol on the V5.
Does that make sense?
Just checked on TFL Website and if i re-register it as petrol on V5 and register the fuel change with them i won't have to pay.

Therotetically . . .;)
Mine comes out:

'Not subject to LEZ'

The problem I see for the future is that the LEZ is no doubt seen by its founding ecocrackpots as a mere pilot scheme.....which is bound to be rolled out to include the entire length and breadth of the land in due course.
That's odd, i know somone who has done the change and it worked fine. I plan to re-register it with DVLA as a petrol, as TLF get their info from DVLA this should be fine as it'll be petrol on the V5.
Does that make sense?
Yes thats the way to do it. DVLA have to accept the changes first which means you will need a DOT inspectors report to confirm the changes have been done correctly.

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