It's how they'll pay for the scrappage scheme...

...persuade people to part with their perfectly good old cars for some 'filthy lucre', then slap a higher road tax on the replacement vehicles... :mad:

Except it is everyone else who pays for it.

And millions of people will STILL vote Labour, and get hit with even more stealth taxes.

The MPs' expenses racket is probably enough to cover their taxation and then some.

Our local goody-goody Dr John Reid MP (Labour) has made a million from his expenses and allowances, and he doesn't even blush about it. It's his right.

Anyone who votes labour needs **** ing, not to say any other party would do any better but labour have always fecked the country
Anyone who votes labour needs **** ing, not to say any other party would do any better but labour have always fecked the country

If you want small government go libertarian party. They are the only one who advocate common law. A shame they are so small.. :(

But I agree labour haven't a clue about economics OR looking after motorists.
Brilliant for social worker fanatics and caring for the unfortunate, usually fcking useless at most other things...
If you want small government go libertarian party. They are the only one who advocate common law. A shame they are so small.. :(

But I agree labour haven't a clue about economics OR looking after motorists.
Brilliant for social worker fanatics and caring for the unfortunate, usually fcking useless at most other things...
Is "unfortunate" another word for good for nothing lazy workshy **** taking disrespectful unfit layabouts?

How can it make sense that you can get more money each week by staying at home doing **** all than going out to work? The kids of today would **** themselves if they had to do anything harder than playing on an X box. Bring back national service and give them some personal pride and usable skills. Vote SHIFTY so I can get rich fiddling my expenses.
Further to this I took my motor for its MOT today. :(

The tester even commented that the smoke and emission readings were very good and at first he thought his machine was not reading correctly so he did the tests again. The second lot were even better. :D

It sailed through. Yippee! :D :D

All this on a mix of used engine oil and petrol which makes a mockery of the whole emissions thing. :p I was a bit worried because I had not had time to run a tank of clean diesel through before the MOT but it was not an issue.
According to the DVLA its got nowt to do with your pre 2002 engine type but everything to do with the "body type" recorded on your V5C (thats log book to normal peeps). For vehicles after 2002 not contained in the auto exemption list it is up to you to demonstrate that your engine meets the required emmission standards by means of a VOSA test that you will have to arrange and pay for. :mad:

If your V5C says "4x4 light utility" in the body type which most Landrovers do because the lazy dealers just use the default when they register them then TFL assume it is a commercial and not exempt - hence the auto checker indicating non-compliance. :( TFL dont consider the vehicle make which, if you are lucky, should say "90/110 Land Rover Defender CSW TD...."

This is important because the "Vehicle Make" on your V5C must indicate CSW from first registration in order for the DVLA to change the body type to "station wagon/estate car" which automatically exempts you from the LEZ at the current time as the vehicle is now considered a private car and not a commercial van. :)

The DVLA told me that, so long as my V5C shows CSW in the "vehicle make" from first registration (which it does) then all I need do is highlight the incorrect "body type" details, fill in section 7 of my V5C with the correct details, sign and date the declaration box, and send it in to the DVLA at Swansea. They say it will be changed and returned within 20 days and TFL will then automatically reference the new details for purposes of LEZ. :D

I have done this and wait with bated breath the return of my shiny new V5C at which time I'll try the LEZ compliance checker again. If it works I'll be amazed and Red Ken and BoJo can shove their LEZ where the sun dont shine. :p

If it dont work I'll be on the hunt for some dodgy number plates. ;)

They also told me that they have been flooded with similar enquiries from owners of other makes of 4x4 because the default setting is "light utility" for all 4x4 vehicles. :doh:

Aren't computers wonderful things?
Got my V5C back this morning. So much for 20 days turnaround. Try doubling it.

Good new is it now shows my motor as a 6 seater "estate" bodied car with PLG tax rating. :) Other unforseen bonus is they have reduced the number of previous owners from 8 to 6 which is nice for resale value. :confused:

Bad news is TFL website still shows it as being non compliant despite what the DVLA said about their computer being linked to TFL computer. :mad:
Maybe it takes time for the electrons to whizz their way from Cardiff to London (at the speed of light) but I've asked TFL to explain why my "estate" car is being shown as non compliant and wait to see what crap they come up with. :rolleyes:

My TD5 Defender now has exactly the same details recorded as my mates TD5 Disco in terms of age, engine capacity, fuel type, body type, number of seats, and taxation class, so they will have to come up with some imaginative reasons to explain why. :blabla:
My S3 don't show up on the TFL website aswell!

That might be because it has not been taxed for 8 years though?
My TD5 Defender now has exactly the same details recorded as my mates TD5 Disco in terms of age, engine capacity, fuel type, body type, number of seats, and taxation class, so they will have to come up with some imaginative reasons to explain why. :blabla:

weight ?
I'd hazzard a guess that the Disco with all its gizmos and sound proofing is heavier than my Defender 90.
As for load carrying capacity it should not be relevant because now its recorded as an estate car as far as the DVLA are concerned and the LEZ only applies to commercials.

any news from TFL, or am I wasting my time sending V5 to Swansea and amending my 110 body type ?

My V5 has 90 REG Turbo diesel as the vechiel type with no mention of body etc. It is a converted hard top and has new rear windows and new rear seats etc. To make a mockery of he LEZ after the plume of White chip pan smelling smoke has cleared the street it sets of around London every day.

Interestingly if I go to pay the congestion charge it tells me I may be liable to pay the LEZ. if I then go to the LEZ web site it clearly tells me I don't have to pay. The easy way to check your ve hiel is to goto Home | Transport for London and goto the LEZ site and punch in your reg number Nd it tells you if you need to pay or not.

The main thing is the unladen weight. Even better idea I'm looking into is trying to register as an ambulance which is exempt from the the congestion charge an lez, however the insurance company clobber me enough as it is without having this on it as well

any news from TFL, or am I wasting my time sending V5 to Swansea and amending my 110 body type ?

DVLA did their bit and changed body type to "Estate" no drama. Still waiting for TFL to sort themselves out after I wrote to them. Been almost a month now and no reply. Must chase it up when I get a minute.
RESULT !!!!!!

TFL now confirm that my Defender is not subject to the LEZ charge at any time.
Entered my reg into the compliance checker and it confirms what they say.

That will save me £100 for every day I enter the LEZ after October this year.

Best Xmas prezzie I've had in years.
I thought the increase had been suspended by Borris - well thats we Londoners were all told, and the TFL compliance checker has this on its front page :-

"Mayor's proposed Air Quality Strategy, 'Clearing the Air', confirms the continued suspension of Low Emission Zone regulations for large vans and minibuses until 2012. "
Its only a proposal to suspend it but I dont trust the buggers.
So where my vehicle was previously shown as non compliant it now shows as fully compliant because of the body type change recorded by the DVLA.

That list is all very well but when you type your Reg No. into the compliance checker that is the acid test. Many LRs are recorded as "light utility" and they will attract the LEZ. Mine is a CSW and was from new which is why the DVLA allowed the change. Most of the confusion is because the lazy LR dealers just take the default options when they register new vehicles and the default body type option for LRs is "light utilty" according to the DVLA.
Problem is mine was (a van) but now has rear windows, and seats in the back....

Word has it that the reason why it is only a proposal is that it has to go to public consultaion, but they never listen to this anyway, and just do what they want from the start so i doubt it will not get delayed.......

I guess sometime i will try and get it changed
Problem is mine was (a van) but now has rear windows, and seats in the back....

Word has it that the reason why it is only a proposal is that it has to go to public consultaion, but they never listen to this anyway, and just do what they want from the start so i doubt it will not get delayed.......

I guess sometime i will try and get it changed
You need to speak to the DVLA but they told me they would only change the body type if I could prove it was a CSW from new. Luckily the bloke that sold me the motor knew where it was bought from and I contacted the dealer who checked his records and confirmed in writing that mine was supplied from the factory as a CSW. Conversions dont count and the DVLA wont change the designation unless you pay for an independent vehicle examination at one of their depots. Its a nonsense really because a TD5 is a TD5 no matter what the body type.

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