I've only had two, by eight you'll be back to being a dozey old fart, by twelve you'll be a carnt agin. Enjoy it while it lasts. :D
Ere' jest an observation about Sleepy's avatar. Is that a mountain bike strapped on the back of yer III?

For a start period kitting out is going to mean replacing that with an old bone shaker. One wiv rod operated brakes and one of them lil satchels hanging down behind the well sprung seat. Sturmey Archer 3 speed gears at best! :D
ffs are we mekkin friends wiv a septic now, be careful, once yer his friend yer qualify fer some o that friendly fire they seem to have got down to a fine art ;)
Be fair, eessa Merkin wiv a Series & he's over here. He **** spell accessorise, but then none of 'em can.
any how, what the fook has got into you pair, defending a feckin merkin, i spose daft is after another option of a passenger seat fer the tossers trips eh
thats the problem with jokes, after a while they become old and boring, i spose thats why yer at home with it eh ;)
Aint defending him, jest giving him his due. He dint get the arse the moment he got some stick. S'fair 'nuff.

Daft always welcome in me motor now I've got the waterproof covers.

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