He has, he has, he's paid someone an' that...........Dunt try an' defend it Daft, you ain't gorra leg to stand on. :D
Man, I can't follow a single thread around here...but I did get the jist of y'all (that be American slang to counter the jibberish slinging around here) takin the mick for my wanting to "accessorize." I figured I'd take a beating for that...should have hung around to get a feel for you folks first!

Anyway, my true colors, oops, colours, are simple - I obvious do a bit of adventuring myself, just not of the long range trans-continental type. And because my adventures happen to be of the short and sweet type, I prefer to make them as difficult as possible on myself, to test my mettle I suppose. I could be bumping around Wales in a fully prepped Defender, but where's the spirit in that? So I choose to bump around in an old Series, which is sure to send many a mechanical challenge my way, but still may need to carry a lot of gear, a extra can of petrol, and get winched out of a silly situation. In the vein of keeping things challenging, why winch myself out with a non-period electic winch when I could have loads more fun with a capstan? And when I do take a bit of an adventure, why not enjoy the ambiance of a vintagely prepped Landy, an iconic monolith of automotive history? The nostalgia is part of the fun!

So anyway, I'll have to post my post on some poseur land rover boards somewhere - there must be loads of those. Any recommendations? :rolleyes:
Now here's a nice example of what I'm looking for that happened to pop up from the gallery:


Who wouldn't want to putter around in that? Fantastic. How often does he use the rope tied around the front bumper? Probably not very often, but that doesn't make him a woman! That's some nice vintage accessorizing...just looks right.
I think yu will find thats not "accessorising" but "Kitting out" or "Preparing" - subtle difference - but less aggro;)
Good point. Kitting out is a much better term. But I think I'll stick with accessorizing just to aggravate you guys...lol.
People don't aggravate, they just join in. If you can take the stick......& you've done better than any other Merkin in recent history..........but that may be because yer over here, i.e you're one of the few of them with a passport ;) stick around.

Completely agree about Series Landies, that's why I've got one. Had a Defender & apart from the fact that I broke it & it was a heap, it did bore me a bit. Wish I'd never parted with my old doosul III, it was bluddy immaculate, but have to say my current one wiv a V8 stuck in it is better.

Yeah, Daft's right, kit out or prep. Accessories is fer the Gaylander & Rangie lot & they don't get out much, not into the rest of the forum, it's all pollen filters, arm rests, anti stall and ride height with them! :D

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