I'm back ..
I was for the 19th, but that's under review so ..
19th October
1. Timtheenchanter (possible)
2. Icebandit
3. gargoyle
4. Suew
26th October
1. David&Sally
3 Suew
4 Icebandit
5 200tdi ayre - possible
6 drewster will get back with a definite
7 steve999
8. Paul D.
Yes Sue, we're going to start with, for whoever needs it, the very basics such as stalled hill starts, recovery points on a vehicle, ropes/strops choices and other 'essential' equipment (surprisingly little).
I'm working on what we need to explain or can simply 'pass on' like a very loose classroom session, what needs tuition and what might need more in depth teaching. To be honest it's all mostly common sense, and keeping an eye out for snags ..
Anyone who goes laning really should have a bit of a clue of what to do, even if it's never put into practise .. I hope we can pass some of that knowledge along.
We have many people who already have a lot of recovery skills behind them, with not so many newcomers so I think the offroad site will be handy, letting everyone play to their abilities .. it might be of benefit to see how, for instance a challenge truck might tackle a winching obstacle, which is mostly for speed and continuity with a nod towards H&S, whereas most laning recoveries are slow, steady, thoughtful things ... with safety rather more uppermost than speed in mind ..
'course, that depends who you're laning with .. this weekend was almost a challenge trophy in itself!