19th I will be in Sweden, 26ty possibly leaving for Australia ... Haha

Aww sorry man .. still provisional though, 'cos we have to fall in with whatever they have booked. Might still be November if they can't accommodate.
Wow, real quick replies ..

19th or 26th October fine for us to book ..

Preferences? I'll leave this over the weekend and work on what majority wants when I get back to it.

Paul D 19th
I can go 26th October :clap2:
Will anyone be going over for the Friday night. Or will it be an early get up to get there on the Saturday?. I know which I would rather do :D I am presuming theres a pub within stumbling distance?
Well, there's two campsites. The nearest has seasonal restrictions on it (thanks National Park) & they may be closed in November. The other has static vans on it as well as tents but no b&b's within viewing distance. Lots of b&b's in the village but not cheap. Having seen the potential dates I can see if anyone will do a discount price for the weekend. There used to be a bit of camping up at the off road centre but not sure if they do that still.
19th I can do but 26th flying to Kos for a week dinghy sailing.

I can live with renting a static for the weekend :D:D

Oh and I am available both weekends
Checked my shifts n can do both weekends, think this is the same place I booked my lad's first off Road experience for his 21st, he loved it n now three years later he's still got the bug! I'm assuming it's the one near Robin Hoods Bay?
Ps still cold in Oct!! Lol although I can get more stuff in landy n sleep in it too unlike when I'm camping when on the bike
Can we learned failed hill climbs this weekend too please.

Sarah90 and I need to have done one before we go to Tong :D
Hmm, unless I am missing something the only person on that list who is clueless is me :D I am going to have plenty of help :D

Speek for yourself sue, ive not got a winch yet ive a fair idea on how they work etc but would be nice to se how others use theres and a see if there's any tips i can pick up for when i do have 1, ive just been lucky enough not to get stuck and have to be rescued by 1 :rofl:
Speek for yourself sue, ive not got a winch yet ive a fair idea on how they work etc but would be nice to se how others use theres and a see if there's any tips i can pick up for when i do have 1, ive just been lucky enough not to get stuck and have to be rescued by 1 :rofl:

You are even luckier than you haven't got stuck and had to be rescued by me :D:D:D:D You would still be there now :eek:
Sue I'm clueless too!! Got no experience off road at all, I have a winch but its sat in my shed in bits need help to get it to work !! Lol
SueW, I've spoken to a friend who has a b&b near the off road course & she'll do a twin room for £60 (£30 each) per night including cooked breakfast. They also have a double room.
SueW, I've spoken to a friend who has a b&b near the off road course & she'll do a twin room for £60 (£30 each) per night including cooked breakfast. They also have a double room.

Brilliant :D Thank you :):):):)

Could you PM me the details
Wonder if Paul D is back yet.

Bet there are some brilliant pics from his weekend :D
Only 26th available for me Paul.

And the mud was this deep....


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This thread is a mess, lets tidy it up so Paul can choose a weekend :D I need to book my B&B :D

Doesn't seem to be many who have voted

Post with your choice

19th October

1. Timtheenchanter (possible)
2. Icebandit
3. gargoyle
4. Suew

26th October

1. David&Sally
3 Suew
4 Icebandit
5 200tdi ayre - possible

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