Might use diesel, it's a bit safer than carrying Sodium when wading, plus, too much water and I'll wet me wood :(
need to check some dates with work but is anybody ok to turn up, got some ropes, winch shackles etc, used them before but want to learn more and its a good reason to get out.
need to check some dates with work but is anybody ok to turn up, got some ropes, winch shackles etc, used them before but want to learn more and its a good reason to get out.

You have to vote for a date first :D They are making a mess in here again

19th October

1. Timtheenchanter (possible)
2. Icebandit
3. gargoyle

26th October

1. David&Sally
3 Suew
4 Icebandit
5 200tdi ayre - possible
6 drewster will get back with a definite
7 steve999
8. Paul D.
You have to vote for a date first :D They are making a mess in here again

Your making a mess, I changed mine to deffo for the 19th... :D:D:D

19th October

1. Timtheenchanter
2. Icebandit
3. gargoyle

26th October

1. David&Sally
3 Suew
4 Icebandit
5 200tdi ayre - possible
6 drewster will get back with a definite
7 steve999
8. Paul D.
Couldn't bring myself to watch all of it but bloody hell!!!...
I was thinking today I don't have any recovery gear, is there anything that I should be bringing?
I will check my diary tomorrow and have a look see which date(s) works for me.
After tonight I NEED to learn
Couldn't bring myself to watch all of it but bloody hell!!!...
I was thinking today I don't have any recovery gear, is there anything that I should be bringing?

If you go out in a group folks usually have ropes and winches and stuff.

The jate rings are necessary though or there is nothing to tie the ropes and winches to.

When I first went that's all I had, in fact I took them to Derbyshire still in the bag. They were fitted before the trip by the lovely folks on here :D
If you go out in a group folks usually have ropes and winches and stuff.

The jate rings are necessary though or there is nothing to tie the ropes and winches to.

When I first went that's all I had, in fact I took them to Derbyshire still in the bag. They were fitted before the trip by the lovely folks on here :D

Well, I (and Bump maybe) have been called lots of things before, but never 'lovely folk' ... ;)

Must work on the grumpiness a bit more ....
I am not available for either as my work roster has me working both weekends sorry all

19th October

1. Timtheenchanter (possible)
2. Icebandit
3. gargoyle
4. Suew

26th October

1. David&Sally
3 Suew
4 Icebandit
5 200tdi ayre - possible
I'm not available on the 19th now

19th October

1. Timtheenchanter (possible)
2. Icebandit
3. gargoyle

26th October

1. David&Sally
3 Suew
4 Icebandit
5 200tdi ayre - possible
6 Paul D.
7 steve999
Beginning to wonder how feasible this is .. with only a few going it's likely to be expensive, and I can't afford expensive.

Sue, lcbandit and Sarah (and any other newbies) we could have a days/weekends laning that turns into a recovery techniques session but more ad-hoc than a full 'event'.

I'll leave it for this weekend and see how many more put names down, but without at least another 8 or 10+ I might have to cancel it ... for now, maybe, to be resurrected in future!
19th October

1. Timtheenchanter (possible)
2. Icebandit
3. gargoyle
4. Nij48

26th October

1. David&Sally
3 Suew
4 Icebandit
5 200tdi ayre - possible
6 Paul D.
7 steve999
Beginning to wonder how feasible this is .. with only a few going it's likely to be expensive, and I can't afford expensive.

Sue, lcbandit and Sarah (and any other newbies) we could have a days/weekends laning that turns into a recovery techniques session but more ad-hoc than a full 'event'.

I'll leave it for this weekend and see how many more put names down, but without at least another 8 or 10+ I might have to cancel it ... for now, maybe, to be resurrected in future!

Cheers Paul you sound like a top bloke:D...as someone with only one night laning trip under my belt- any experience with people who know the score is good for me, so I will keep my eyes peeled for whatever happens next. Pity there's not enough takers but I cant really afford expensive either:rolleyes:
If we have nearly enough people but split over 2 weekends could we look at a November weekend that we could all do?

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