Just so you're aware...Most of the activities tomorrow will be winding down from 10am onwards .-packing away marquees etc. There is a laning trip in the morning if people are interested but things on the site will be quiet.
When's the laning?
The LZ bosses wishing the rain clouds away- and it worked ;)

What was everyone doing at this point ?

The answer will become clear tomorrow

Sorry only just seen this as you've probably guessed I'm not there, I'm at work unfortunately having to cover a staff shortage! Lol hope you're having fun :)

And we didn't make it either, things conspired against us in the end plus we have to help my son in Sheffield today.

Hope everyone had a great time:D
Only managed to take one photo of the group I was leading during the laning trip

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We're home and just wanted to say 'thank you' to all the organisers and everyone who helped out. We had a brilliant time; the laning, getting jealous of other vehicles :D and meeting peeps. It was a lovely atmosphere. :):):)
I wish I could have gone, I've had two hours kip wife is mardy kids playing up and I've been urban laning and nearly got stuck on a carrier bag and you should have seen the size of the speed. Bump at aldi.
Many many thanks to those of you who donated raffle prizes , especially those of you who couldn't even attend this weekend.

Thank you to those who bought handfuls of raffle tickets over the two days.

Thank you to those of you who baked cakes and biscuits and thank you to those who bought them.

Thank you to those of you who won raffle prizes and then auctioned them off for additional money raised.

Thank you to those who just gave cash and said put this towards the charity.

Thank you to the tireless Nina ( daughter of Roy) who was a magnificent ticket seller all weekend

Everyone of the above helped to raise a fantastic £500 for the air ambulance. :)

I'll post a receipt/ conformation email when I have paid it in
Ahh looks like you've had a great time guys. Gutted I couldn't make it this year. :( Stupid discovery build ha

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