Mints they're just a bunch of twisted f**kers ...reckon BB knows but he's not telling, can't you bake him a cake or summit, soften the old codger up a bit :p:D
It will disintegrate before it gets south. :(

Although I'm sure he would lick the box for the remains
Billy bollocks . seems it's Armed Forces day 25th June next year ...think Mr Muds may get pinged for duty :(:rolleyes::confused:
Can I be the one to ask a dumb question! :D

Would love to come but what actually is the official Landy zone weekend?

What happens and what is arranged. Would be great to see sooooooooooooo many land rovers :) would probably be my first meet too :D
Putting my name down for this one. We enjoyed last year. Hopefully I can actually bring my S3 this time and get some laning done as a driver and not a passenger. Yay!!

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