Nice one :)

Has anyone got anything in particular they'd like help with fitting/repairing/changing/hitting with a hammer....on their Landy over the weekend?
I have a disco so there is the boot floor, sills, 4 inner arches, outriggers, Xmembers, sunroof, alpine windows, locks, rear shocks and mounts, full set of bushes and, and.......then on Sunday.......:D
If anyone is good at electrics I would appreciate it if they could take a look over mine while we are there. I'm sure I don't need all the wire that is hanging about :(
How about we sort out a joint meal for the Saturday night? Debs makes a mean curry if anyone is interested?
Bumpity Bump......tomorrow is the deadline for more vehicle passes so if you want to come along to the show and help out with the stand for the weekend get yer name down on the list now!

We're still in need of a generator....Has anyone one we can borrow/hire/steal?

We've got a broken generator that I'm hoping I can talk Fanny into having a look at ... :eek:

not that that helps at all ... :(
Looks like we won't be leaving LZ towers until lunch so won't be there until late afternoon.
Not had any luck with a Generator or the bloody fliers, I am seriously crap with graphics :)

Just down in Dorset for a few days (top memories from the Chippy Run) then back home to finalise stuff ;)
Hello. Sorry to butt in. I was just wondering, is this for anyone who is willing to help out and/or meet with other LandyZone members or is it for pre-acquainted members?
Thank you.
It's open to anyone :)

Oh splendid. I am going and would like to help out and/or meet with other LZers if possible!
I am in a zebra defender with a green soft top. If there are more than one, it has my name on it and the LZIR sticker.
I look forward to seeing you all!

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