I like the idea of promoting a venue with a record attempt then charging venue visitors extra to pay for the promotion.

Talking to a local supermarket manager he thinks something similar might work in his shop. If your in ASDA in Bolton on Monday and spend over £200, for just an extra fiver you can push a trolly round the car park with the other fools, I mean competitors and break the record for pushing a trolly round Bolton ASDA car park on a Monday.

Oh and he says he will have the common decency to cut the grass if anyone wants to camp.
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I like the idea of promoting a venue with a record attempt then charging venue visitors extra to pay for the promotion.

Talking to a local supermarket manager he thinks something similar might work in his shop. If your in ASDA in Bolton on Monday and spend over £200, for just an extra fiver you can push a trolly round the car park with the other fools, I mean competitors and break the record for pushing a trolly round Bolton ASDA car park on a Monday.

Oh and he says he will have the common decency to cut the grass if anyone wants to camp.
Yer miserable ole bastid.

I thought the same when I first seen it. Come and help us beat a record for the minor sum of the admission fee.
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I like the idea of promoting a venue with a record attempt then charging venue visitors extra to pay for the promotion.

Talking to a local supermarket manager he thinks something similar might work in his shop. If your in ASDA in Bolton on Monday and spend over £200, for just an extra fiver you can push a trolly round the car park with the other fools, I mean competitors and break the record for pushing a trolly round Bolton ASDA car park on a Monday.

Oh and he says he will have the common decency to cut the grass if anyone wants to camp.

Sounds like a plan!
Tell me, is it any anniversary for shopping trolleys?
Do I get a commemorative plaque to place on my trolley at future shopping trips?
Is there any deep water and mud I can banzai my trolley through while shopping?
Do they do trolleys with adult seats in as I like to scare a passenger when out?
Oh, and lastly, does he have any issues with the use of gaffa tape?
I ended up having a bit of a 'senior moment' and posting this on another thread...
Record Run Update.jpg

When I emailed them last Monday, they said the final total number of vehicles was 912!
The big question will be just how many of those vehicles maintained a one car gap?

The only downside for me was the dust and muddy water have permanently stained my white tshirt brown around the collar
Fitting those headlights would tripple the value of yer disco.
Ha ha, yeah!

Just reduced the amount by £74 by purchasing a new rear door handle, another two sets of headlight socket adjusters, a rear shock upper mount and two rear coil spring isolator rings.
I've bought two sets of door lock springs and put them both into the shed 'to fit later'. Both have fallen through the crack into the other dimension. I just hope the inhabitants of the other dimension drive Land Rovers. I'd hate for the numerous spares I put into the shed that go missing are going to waste!
There are two sets of headlight sockets in there somewhere too.
My thinking was, if I buy a new lock i'll have more chance of finding it later :)
Then, at some point, I may come across one of the sets of springs and i'll be able to fit the new spring in the old lock and have a spare.
Is it just me who has a shed that loses spare parts???
Sounds like a plan!
Tell me, is it any anniversary for shopping trolleys?
Do I get a commemorative plaque to place on my trolley at future shopping trips?
Is there any deep water and mud I can banzai my trolley through while shopping?
Do they do trolleys with adult seats in as I like to scare a passenger when out?
Oh, and lastly, does he have any issues with the use of gaffa tape?
I'm sure they'll have commemorative plaques ont sale at the event. And the usual pens, pencil sharpener etc all with Asda logo for a small price.
I like the idea of promoting a venue with a record attempt then charging venue visitors extra to pay for the promotion.

Talking to a local supermarket manager he thinks something similar might work in his shop. If your in ASDA in Bolton on Monday and spend over £200, for just an extra fiver you can push a trolly round the car park with the other fools, I mean competitors and break the record for pushing a trolly round Bolton ASDA car park on a Monday.

Oh and he says he will have the common decency to cut the grass if anyone wants to camp.
Glad I ain’t the only one who thought it was a rip off
Reckon I'd forego 1 1/2pints to be part of it if I had the chance.

I did, was #40, but in reality I think it was #31.........Was interesting to be part of. Plus added bonus, kept me out of the bar until the evening....LOL.

How much wuz a pint? :p
£3.50, but If I bought a pint it would be for my benefit, paying for the privilege of sitting in your own car in 90 degree heat for a couple of hours was of no benefit to anyone except the promoter of the show, who pocketed close on 5 grand, which if they had said for example it’s all being donated to the air ambulance(who had a stall there) or help for heroes or any worthwhile cause I’d probably of joined in.
£3.50, but If I bought a pint it would be for my benefit, paying for the privilege of sitting in your own car in 90 degree heat for a couple of hours was of no benefit to anyone except the promoter of the show, who pocketed close on 5 grand, which if they had said for example it’s all being donated to the air ambulance(who had a stall there) or help for heroes or any worthwhile cause I’d probably of joined in.

Your choice and a fair one.

I'm not that attached to alcohol and find it rarely of benefit to me but tend not to have a go at those that do :)
Congratulations are in order......

640 of us are record breakers..........


Not me. I was 782...
I enjoyed the 'rally stage' run through a lot of the off road course though :)
It made a change from being told to SLOW DOWN!
My plaque arrived in the post
Sorry to hear that, not sure why the break at 640 happened , will ask when I see them next.

Luckily for me I was #40, but actually was 31st.

It was a mystery to me too. We were parked up about 20 yards from the entrance to the parking field, sitting alongside the large arena and we crawled towards the start. It must have taken us over half an hour to reach it. When we got there we were given another wrist band and told, quite enthusiastically, to GO!!!
I think they either took too long to register the cars at the start thus creating a big gap, or many cars crashed into the water and sank without trace!
With hindsight, maybe we should have all been registered before the start or at the finish?
Still, it was nice to take part and we beat the Germans, which in my mind was all that counts :)

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