Anyone know how much a ticket is to the show ?. ...not up to a whole weekend but may think about popping in for a couple of hours...if someone will do the gentlemanly thing and let me sit down in their chair.
Thats good...don't mind a tenner :) you guys know where abouts on site you'll be yet ?
Anyone know how much a ticket is to the show ?. ...not up to a whole weekend but may think about popping in for a couple of hours...if someone will do the gentlemanly thing and let me sit down in their chair.

I arrived at the B&W without a chair and left with about 6 :confused: so I'm sure I could spare one :)
Not got a clue and dont think we will until we get there

When youre settled in can you post on here where abouts you are in relation to the not really up to wandering round the whole site looking for you...& from memory the phone signal was lousy
Yer just looking at the off road experience page and noticed this..

Clubs exhibiting will have the opportunity to have an exclusive run on the off road courses being offered over the weekend. Land Rover Experience is opening these routes on Friday 23rd August for those arriving early.

Don't know if they are still charging £55 for the pleasure but it look like you could have a built in mini LZ landing trip.
Yer just looking at the off road experience page and noticed this..

Clubs exhibiting will have the opportunity to have an exclusive run on the off road courses being offered over the weekend. Land Rover Experience is opening these routes on Friday 23rd August for those arriving early.

Don't know if they are still charging £55 for the pleasure but it look like you could have a built in mini LZ landing trip.

Dunno, it's not very clear is it? Sounds like it'll be open on Fri for clubs but no mention of a discount of any type
Dunno....lost track :eek: I've just asked

Right.....who's bringing what....

Accy....mahooosive marque and table/s
Me...Trestles and planks for workbench or whatever. Also got lights on order, small amped sound system to plug into ipod/mp3/lappys, display boards.
Fanny...Genny and fuel (extension cables?)
Pikey...Pig stove/heater, LZ Flag (dunno where the other one is....Accy?)
Livers...spare genny, do we need it?

Tools.....guess most of us carry a fair selection anyway but if anyone has anything specific they want to do that needs tools other than the normal maintenence best speak up. I'll bring some empty containers for used oil.

Cake....All cake is to be transported in sealed, locked containers and handed to me on arrival whereupon I will deny any knowledge of cake....vehicles and contents with be searched for contraband cake and any offenders will be publically sandal-slapped and forced to hold a conversation with Fanny when he's drunk...... without bodyguards! :eek:

I know it seems harsh but you'll all thank me in the end......or at least mock me as my rotund, bloated body prevents me from being able to stand without assistance......Which is near enough for me :D

Accys arriving 3-4pm and we're going to need as many hands as possible to get up the new canvas LZ Towers
Well at first I wasn't sure... Then I was sure I wasn't.... But now I'm sure I am.

I coming out to play :) see you all there.

How long be for that one gets 'edited for accuracy'
I heard full monty is banned so they say-still no pics didn't happen
:eek: you can leave your hat on:p

Heard our reputation for spotting 1966 2008 tax exempt series 2 a coil sprung proceeds us:confused:

I don't see what all the fuss was about, you could clearly see the windscreen was from 1966.. all the other bits was just smartening the whole thing up a bit.

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