I've just tried adding myself but when I save it I am not there. I have a good LR Mechanic local so could be useful if someone could help get me on there.
I've just tried adding myself but when I save it I am not there. I have a good LR Mechanic local so could be useful if someone could help get me on there.

I think the idea of the map is non-profit help. So, in my opinion, a local mechanic doesnt quite qualify.
I think I'm on there now. I may have accidentally moved Essex Pay and Play to the middle of the North Sea. I have tried to put it back in Essex where it belongs, and it seems to come up in the right place when I refresh the map, so I hope all's well.
It's easy to put things in the North Sea by accident. If the cursor alights on something before you atempt to scroll the map left or right, off they go. Once there, they're remarkably difficult to recover and keep returning to their watery grave.
Cool stuff. I am now on the map. Close to J1 & 2 of M25 so you're welcome if you need a break from motorway tediousness.
Hi All, Newbie here, :)
just added myself, :D
I hope I haven't broken anything.....:confused:

Well thought I had but I dont seem to have stuck..:scratching_chin:
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Hi, tried adding myself a few times but didnt show :( i might of accidentally moved some1 into the atlantic too.. sorry :) haha
Glad I noticed this thread .. just looked and it's put me somewhere in Leicester! Re-placed somewhere closer to home ..

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